Publications of Bernard Houssais

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Research Reports

  1. B. Houssais, M. Le Borgne, P. Le Guernic. Cours de programmation en langage temps-réel SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa, June 1994. details
  2. P. Bournai, B. Chéron, T. Gautier, B. Houssais, P. Le Guernic. SIGNAL manual. Research Report Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No 1969, September 1993. details ps
  3. P. Bournai, B. Chéron, T. Gautier, B. Houssais, P. Le Guernic. Manuel SIGNAL. Research Report Irisa, No 575, February 1991. details


  1. B. Houssais. The Synchronous Programming Language SIGNAL, A Tutorial. April 2002. details

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