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Presentation / People / Collaborations / Publications / Software


Project EP-ATR Programming environment
of real-time applications

Project Leader: Paul LE GUERNIC

Scientific background

  • Design of real-time embedded critical systems
  • Mathematical models of synchronous/asynchronous computation
  • Refinement and specification/program proofs
  • Synthesis of dedicated systems on heterogeneous architectures
  • Hardware/software design


Research areas

Research areas of the EP-ATR project include different aspects of the overall design of embedded applications. They are based on a synchronous computation model which also includes Statecharts, VHDL, Esterel, Lustre, Signal, etc. Research programs include the following areas:
  • heterogeneous models (continuous, discrete, asynchronous, synchronous models),
  • specification refinement methods through interactive transformations, dynamic property verification and associated methodologies
  • compilation and more particularly efficient processing of complex data structures, mobility, source dependent optimisation,
  • code generation and especially structural techniques of partitioning (software/software, software/hardware), optimised scheduling (dependent on the target architecture), cost evaluation algorithms developed as program interpretations.
  • hardware synthesis, transformation techniques for adapted programs, external tools used via VHDL or Verilog
These research areas are carried out in close partnership with other IRISA projects ( API/COSI, CAPS, Pampa and Paragraphe), other INRIA centres and international centres.



  • Prototypes:
    Signal V4 compiler and Signal graphic environment, simulator
    Sigali proof/environment synthesis and performance evaluating software
  • Products:
    The Sildex environment sold by TNI is based on Signal
    The DC+ virtual machine (synchronous common format)



The EP-ATR is involved in a European R&D Sacres project (where certification represents a key area) with avionics applications, in the LTR Syrf project on the synchronous model with applications in the energy sector, application research in telecommunications (AAR), research into hardware synthesis for telecom applications, research into joint hardware-software design (with support from Motorola).


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