F. Jimenez-Fraustro, E. Rutten.
Modélisation synchrone de standards de programmation de systèmes de contrôle : le langage ST. Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique (SEE), (3):60--68, March 2000. (abstract)
A. Kountouris, C. Wolinski, J.C. Le Lann.
High-Level Synthesis Using Hierarchical Conditional Dependency Graphs in the CODESIS System. EUROMICRO Journal of Systems Architecture on Modern Methods and Tools in Digital System Design, 2000.
H Marchand, O. Boivineau, S. Lafortune.
On the Synthesis of Optimal Schedulers in Discrete Event Control Problems with Multiple Goals. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 39(2):512--532, 2000. (abstract)
H. Marchand, P. Bournai, M. Le Borgne, P. Le Guernic.
Synthesis of Discrete-Event Controllers based on the Signal Environment. Discrete Event Dynamic System: Theory and Applications, 10(4):325-346, October 2000. (abstract)
H. Marchand, M. Samaan.
Incremental Design of a Power Transformer Station Controller using Controller Synthesis Methodology. IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, 26(8):729--741, August 2000. (abstract)
H. Marchand, E. Rutten, M. Le Borgne, M. Samaan.
Formal Verification of SIGNAL programs: Application to a Power Transformer Station Controller. Science of Computer Programming, 2000. (abstract)
A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, P. Le Guernic.
Compositionality in dataflow synchronous languages: specification & distributed code generation. Information and Computation, 1999.
A. Benveniste.
Compositional and Uniform Modelling of Hybrid Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 43(4), April 1998. (postscript)
O. Kouchnarenko, S. Pinchinat.
Intensional approachs for symbolic methods. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 18, 1998. (postscript) (abstract)
E. Marchand, E. Rutten, H. Marchand, F. Chaumette.
Specifying and verifying active vision-based robotic systems with the Signal environment. Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 17(4):418-432, April 1998. (postscript)
O. Kushnarenko, P. Schnoebelen.
A Model for Recursive-Parallel Programs. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 5, 1997.
E. Marchand, E. Rutten, F. Chaumette.
From data-flow task to multi-tasking: Applying the synchronous approach to active vision in robotics. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 5(2):200-216, March 1997. (postscript) (abstract)
E. Rutten, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette.
An experiment with reactive data-flow tasking in active robot vision. Software - Practice & Experience, 27(5):599-621, May 1997. (postscript) (abstract)
M. Tofte, J.P. Talpin.
Region-based memory management. Information and Computation, 132(2):109-176, 1997.
A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, P. Le Guernic.
A calculus of stochastic systems for the specification, simulation, and hidden state estimation of hybrid stochastic/nonstochastic systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 2(152):171-217, December 1995. (postscript)
F. Laroussinie, S. Pinchinat, P. Schnoebelen.
Translation Results for Modal Logics of Reactive Systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 40(1), March 1995.
A. Benveniste.
Synchronous Languages Provide Safety in Reactive Systems Design. Control Engineering, pages 87--89, September 1994.
A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic, Y. Sorel, M. Sorine.
A Denotational Theory of Synchronous Reactive Systems. Information and Computation, 99(2):192-230, August 1992. (postscript)
A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic, C. Jacquemot.
Synchronous programming with events and relations: the SIGNAL language and its semantics. Science of Computer Programming, 16(2):103-149, September 1991.
A. Benveniste, G. Berry.
Real-time systems designs and programming. Proc. of the IEEE, 79(9):1270-1282, September 1991.
A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, P. Le Guernic.
A calculus of stochastic systems for the specification, simulation, and hidden state estimation of mixed stochastic/nonstochastic systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 152(2):171-217, December 1991.
P. Le Guernic, T. Gautier, M. Le Borgne, C. Le Maire.
Programming Real-Time Applications with Signal. Proceedings of the IEEE, 79(9):1321-1336, September 1991. (postscript)
P. Le Guernic, B. Chéron, T. Gautier, C. Le Maire.
Développer en langage Signal. Annales des Télécommunications, 46(1-2):13-24, January 1991. (postscript) (abstract)
A. Benveniste, P. Le Guernic.
Hybrid Dynamical Systems and the Signal Programming Language. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, 35:535-546, May 1990.
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