

Publications de Sophie Pinchinat



Articles de Journaux

  1. O. Kouchnarenko, S. Pinchinat.
    Intensional approachs for symbolic methods.  Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 18, 1998. (postscript) (abstract)
  2. F. Laroussinie, S. Pinchinat, P. Schnoebelen.
    Translation Results for Modal Logics of Reactive Systems.  Theoretical Computer Science, 40(1), Mars 1995.



Conférences Internationales

  1. S. Pinchinat, H. Marchand.
    Symbolic Abstractions of Automata.  Proc of 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, WODES 2000, pages 39--48, Ghent, Belgium, Août 2000. (postscript) (abstract)
  2. H. Marchand, S. Pinchinat.
    Supervisory Control Problem using Symbolic Bisimulation Techniques.  2000 American Control Conference, pages 4067--4071, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Juin 2000. (postscript) (abstract)
  3. S. Pinchinat, E. Rutten, R.K. Shyamasundar.
    Taxonomy and expressiveness of preemption : a syntactic approach.  Proceedings of the Asian Computing Science Conference, ASIAN'98, LNCS, Manila, The Philippines, Décembre 1998. (postscript) (abstract)
  4. O. Kouchnarenko, S. Pinchinat.
    Labeling Automata with Polynomials.  Proceedings of the International Workshop on Reasoning about Actions (joint to ESSLLI'98), Saarbrueken, Germany, Août 1998. (postscript) (abstract)
  5. O. Kouchnarenko, S. Pinchinat.
    Intensional Approaches for Symbolic Methods.  the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS'98, International Workshop on Concurrency, Brno, Czech Republic, Août 1998.
  6. S. Pinchinat, J.V. Echague.
    SOS specifications and Compositional ST-semantics.  XXIII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica, Valparaiso, Chili, Novembre 1997. (postscript) (abstract)
  7. S. Pinchinat, E. Rutten, R.K. Shyamasundar.
    Preemption primitives in reactive languages (a preliminary report).  Proceedings of the Asian Computing Science Conference, ACSC '95, Pathumthani, Thailand, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Décembre 1995. (postscript) (abstract)
  8. J.V. Echagüe, Z. Habbas, S. Pinchinat.
    Structural Operational Semantics for True Concurrency.  Proc. of the 15th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC'95, Arica, Chili, Novembre 1995. (postscript) (abstract)



Rapports de recherche

  1. S. Pinchinat, H. Marchand, M. LeBorgne.
    Symbolic Abstractions of Automata and their application to the Supervisory Control Problem.  Rapport de Recherche Irisa, No1279, Novembre 1999. (postscript) (abstract)
  2. O. Kouchnarenko, S. Pinchinat.
    Intensional Approaches for Symbolic Methods.  Rapport de Recherche Irisa / Inria-Rennes, No3448, Juillet 1998. (postscript) (abstract)




  1. S. Pinchinat, H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne.
    Deliverable 3.1.3: Symbolic Abstractions of Automata and their application to the Supervisory Control Problem.  Esprit project 22703: Syrf, Octobre 1999.
  2. S. Pinchinat, O Kouchnarenko, H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne.
    Deliverable 3.1.2: Symbolic abstraction of automata: intensional Labeled Transition Systems, symbolic bisimulation.  Esprit project 22703: Syrf, Octobre 1998.

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