Publications 1994
PhD Theses
M. Belhadj.
Conception d'architectures en utilisant Signal et VHDL. Phd thesis, Université de Rennes I, IFSIC, December 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
A. Benveniste.
Synchronous Languages Provide Safety in Reactive Systems Design. Control Engineering, pages 87--89, September 1994.
International Conferences
PROJ. Asar, (P. Aubry, M. Auguin, M. Belhadj, J. Benzakki, Bouguerba, C. T.Carrière, G. Durrieu, T. Gautier, M. Israël, P. LeGuernic, M. Lemaitre, E. Martin, P. Quinton, L. Rideau, F. Rousseau, O.) Sentieys).
Towards a Multi-Formalism Framework for Architectural Synthesis: the ASAR Project. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign, IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 25-32, Grenoble, September 1994. (postscript)
PROJ. Asar, (P. Aubry, M. Auguin, M. Belhadj, J. Benzakki, Bouguerba, C. T.Carrière, G. Durrieu, T. Gautier, M. Israël, P. LeGuernic, M. Lemaitre, E. Martin, P. Quinton, L. Rideau, F. Rousseau, O.) Sentieys).
Framework and Multi-Formalism: the ASAR Project. Proceedings of the 4th International IFIP 10.5 Working Conference on Electronic Design Automation Frameworks, Gramado (Brésil), November 1994.
M. Belhadj.
VHDL & SIGNAL: A Cooperative Approach. International Conference on Simulation and Hardware Description Languages, Western Simulation Multi-Conference, Society for Computer Simulation, pages 76-81, Tempe, Arizona (USA), 1994.
M. Belhadj.
Using VHDL for Link to Synthesis Tools. North Atlantic Test Workshop NATW'94, Nimes, 1994. (postscript)
A. Benveniste, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, G. Berry, F. Mignard, P. Caspi, N. Halbwachs, P. Couronné, F. Dupont, C. LeMaire, J.P. Paris, Y. Sorel.
Synchronous technology for real-time systems. RTS'94, Teknea, pages 105-122, 1994. (postscript)
A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, P. Le Guernic.
A calculus of stochastic systems for the specification, simulation, and hidden state estimation of hybrid stochastic/nonstochastic systems. 3rd International School and Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Springer-Verlag, pages 149-169, September 1994.
O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic.
From Signal to fine-grain parallel implementations. Int. Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, IFIP A-50, North-Holland, pages 237-246, August 1994.
O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic.
Distributed Implementation of Signal: Scheduling & Graph Clustering. 3rd International School and Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Springer-Verlag, pages 547-566, September 1994. (postscript)
E. Rutten, P. Le Guernic.
Sequencing data flow tasks in SIGNAL. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Real-Time Systems, Orlando, Florida (USA), June 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
E. Rutten, E. Marchand, F. Chaumette.
The sequencing of data flow tasks in Signal: application to active vision in robotics. Proceedings of the 6th Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, IEEE Publ., pages 80-84, University of Maelardalen, Vasteraa s (Sweden), June 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
C. Wolinski, M. Belhadj.
High Level Synthesis of Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Circuits. North Atlantic Test Workshop NATW'94, Nimes, 1994. (postscript)
National Conferences
T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic.
L'environnement de programmation SIGNAL. Proceedings of RENNES, IRISA, pages 168-175, April 1994. (postscript)
Research reports
T. Amagbegnon, L. Besnard, P. Le Guernic.
Arborescent Canonical Form of Boolean Expressions. Research report Inria, No2290, June 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, P. Le Guernic.
A calculus of stochastic systems for the specification, simulation, and hidden state estimation of hybrid stochastic/nonstochastic systems. Research report Irisa, No837, July 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
P. Bournai, C. Lavarenne, P. Le Guernic, O. Maffeis, Y. Sorel.
Interface SIGNAL-SynDEx. Research report Inria, No2206, March 1994. (postscript)
B. Dutertre, M. Le Borgne.
Control of Polynomial Dynamic Systems: an Example. Research report Inria, No2193, January 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, F. Dupont.
SIGNAL V4 : manuel de référence. Research report Irisa, No832, June 1994. (postscript)
T. Gautier, P. LeGuernic, O. Maffeis.
For a New Real-Time Methodology. Research report Inria, No2364, October 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
B. Houssais, M. Le Borgne, P. Le Guernic.
Cours de programmation en langage temps-réel SIGNAL. Research report Irisa, June 1994.
O. Maffeis, P. Le Guernic.
From Synchronous-Flow Dependence Graphs to Reliable and Efficient Implementations. Research report Ercim, No02/94-R029, February 1994.
E. Marchand, E. Rutten, F. Chaumette.
Applying the Synchronous Approach to Real Time Active Visual Reconstruction. Research report Inria, No2383, November 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
H. Marchand, M. Le Borgne.
Typage des graphes de décisions ternaires. Research report Irisa, No797, March 1994. (postscript) (abstract)
H. Marchand, E. Rutten, M. Samaan.
Description, spécification et validation d'un automatisme de poste de transformation électrique. Convention Inria - EdF No M64/7C8321/E5/11, December 1994.
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