Welcome on my webpage at IRISA!
I (still) own a position of associate professor at ENIT, Tarbes, in France, where you can find my old professional webpage which has not been updated for a while but contains basic data such as resume, publications and past teaching activities.
From september 2006, and until august 2008, I have got a temporary position of INRIA research scientist in the project DREAM at IRISA in Rennes, France.
My research interests lie at the intersection of diagnosis and repair (fault recovery) in dynamic systems, especially in distributed systems:
- Theoretical analysis of diagnosability and repairability properties, with emphasis on the 'self-healability' property, i.e. the ability of a system to recover from failures, considering its diagnosis and repair basic capabilities.
- Application to the domain of distributed web-services: I am involved in the European project WS-DIAMOND.
- Application to distributed planning, diagnosis and replanning architectures: we have started a collaboration on this topic with Abel-Illah Mouaddib and Maroua Bouzid, from GREYC laboratory at the University of Caen: a co-supervised PhD thesis has been started in March 2007.