2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2002 |


  • {The WS-Diamond Team} :
    At your service: An overview of results of projects in the field of service engineering of the IST programme , Chapitre WS-DIAMOND: Web Services – DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis , 2009 , Résumé , Abstract
  • Xavier Le Guillou and Marie-Odile Cordier and Sophie Robin and Laurence Rozé :
    Surveillance de chorégraphies de Web Services basees sur WS-CDL , RJCIA'09 (9e Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle) , Hammamet , mai , 2009 , Résumé , Abstract
  • Xavier Le Guillou and Marie-Odile Cordier and Sophie Robin and Laurence Rozé :
    Monitoring WS-CDL-based choreographies of Web Services , DX'09 (20th International Worshop On Principles of Diagnosis) , Stockholm, Sweden , june , 2009 , Résumé , Abstract

  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    Specification of diagnosis algorithms for Web Services -- phase 2 , april , 2008 , Deliverable 4.3
  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    Introduction to Software Modules , september , 2008 , Deliverable
  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    Self-Healing Web Services in the WS-Diamond project , eChallenges 2008 , 2008
  • Xavier Le Guillou and Marie-Odile Cordier and Sophie Robin and Laurence Roze :
    Chronicles for On-line Diagnosis of Distributed Systems , IRISA, Publication Interne , Rennes , No. 1890 , may , 2008
  • Xavier Le Guillou and Marie-Odile Cordier and Sophie Robin and Laurence Roze :
    Chronicles for On-line Diagnosis of Distributed Systems , ECAI'08 (18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence) , Patras , 194--198 , july , 2008

  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    WS-DIAMOND: Web Services - DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis , DX'07 (18th International Worshop On Principles of Diagnosis) , Nashville, TN, USA , 243--250 , may , 2007
  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    WS-DIAMOND: An Approach to Web Services - DIAgnosability MONitoring and Diagnosis , eChallenges 2007 , The Hague, The Netherlands , october , 2007
  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    WS-DIAMOND: An Approach to Web Services - Monitoring and Diagnosis , ERCIM News (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) , Vol. 70 , 25--26 , july , 2007
  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    Specification of diagnosis algorithms for Web Services -- phase 1 , january , 2007 , Deliverable 4.2
  • The WS-Diamond Team :
    Web Services - Diagnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis , Fifth Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web (SSSW'07) , Cercedilla, Spain , july , 2007
  • Marie-Odile Cordier and Xavier Le Guillou and Sophie Robin and Laurence Rozé and Thierry Vidal :
    Distributed Chronicles for On-line Diagnosis of Web Services , DX'07 (18th International Worshop On Principles of Diagnosis) , Nashville, TN , 37--44 , may , 2007 , Abstract
  • Xavier Le Guillou and Marie-Odile Cordier and Sophie Robin and Laurence Rozé :
    Diagnosing Web Service On-line with Distributed Chronicles , PhdForum'07 (The Second Beijing-Hong Kong International Doctorial Forum 2007) , Hong-Kong , july , 2007 , Abstract
  • Xavier Le Guillou and Marie-Odile Cordier and Sophie Robin and Laurence Rozé and Thierry Vidal :
    Chroniques distribuées pour le diagnostic en-ligne de Web Services , RJCIA'07 (8e Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle) , Grenoble , 115--132 , juillet , 2007 , Résumé , Abstract

  • Marie-Odile Cordier and Irčne Grosclaude and René Quiniou and Sophie Robin :
    Étude du pronostic pour la maintenance conditionnelle , IRISA , 2002 , Rapport de fin de contrat EDF 101C0002

This web site is maintained by René Quiniou using the Weave system
from the Caravel project: http://www-caravel.inria.fr.
Last modification: 10-07-2011 09:54:25
Version française