Name mozae
Title MOZAE: Zootechnic monitoring of dairy herds
Responsable René Quiniou
Begin 2006
State Ongoing
Description The Mozae (Monitoring Zootechnique des Animaux d'Élevage) project started in March 2006 and will last two years. It is granted by the ministry of Agriculture and the region of Brittany. The partners are the company Medria, the regional chamber of agriculture of Brittany, inra (National Research Institute of Agronomy), Agrocampus-Rennes, envn (National Veterinary Scool of Nantes) and irisa-inria.

The Mozae project aims at designing and evaluating monitoring and assisting software tools for farmers managing big dairy herds (up to 500 cows). Furthermore, the project aims at discovering veterinary knowledge and at redefining protocols for cattle health-care. The temperature and cardiac rhythm of each individual cow is continuously monitored by a sensor introduced in the cow's stomach. These signals are regularly analyzed in order to detect physiological events that interest farmers, such as estrus, disease or proximity of birthing.

Dream is in charge of processing signals and discovering the signatures of interesting events. Machine learning and data mining techniques are being used for discovering and refining temporal patterns with the aid of veterinary experts.

This web site is maintained by René Quiniou using the Weave system
from the Caravel project:
Last modification: 10-07-2011 09:54:25
Version française