Yves Moinard
An Experience of Using ASP for Toy Examples
, Fourth Workshop on Answer Set Programming (ASP 07) , Facultade de Ciencias, Universidade do Porto , Porto , 133--147 , sept , 2007 , Document

Abstract We present a causal formalism, and its translation in DLV, one of the best-known working ASP implementation. We consider that this precise formalism has its own interest, however, our purpose here is not to propose a causal formalism. We describe a few problems we have encountered while trying to provide a program for such a formalism, and we make a few reflexions about this task. Since there are now serious ASP solvers, one of the interesting things to do is to use it in our daily research. This has a real interest since it is important for a new theory to be tested with a lot of toy or near-toy examples. Our concern is to see whether ASP is now well-fitted for this task, and what could be done in order to make this task easier. Some of our reflexions could appear naive for experienced ASP users, but we think that if ASP is to be used seriously, it should at least be easily usable for toy examples.

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