Thomas Guyet and René Quiniou and Wei Wang and Marie-Odile Cordier
Self-adaptive web intrusion detection system
, No. 6989
, 2009
, Document
The evolution of the web server contents and the emergence of
new kinds of intrusions make necessary the adaptation of the intrusion detection
systems (IDS). Nowadays, the adaptation of the IDS requires manual –
tedious and unreactive – actions from system administrators. In this paper, we
present a self-adaptive intrusion detection system which relies on a set of local
model-based diagnosers. The redundancy of diagnoses is exploited, online, by a
meta-diagnoser to check the consistency of computed partial diagnoses, and to
trigger the adaptation of defective diagnoser models (or signatures) in case of
inconsistency. This system is applied to the intrusion detection from a stream
of HTTP requests. Our results show that our system 1) detects intrusion occurrences
sensitively and precisely, 2) accurately self-adapts diagnoser model, thus
improving its detection accuracy.