Guy Carrault and Marie-Odile Cordier and René Quiniou and Mireille Garreau and Jean-Jacques Bellanger and Alain Bardou
A model-based approach for learning to identify cardiac arrhythmias
, AIMDM'99 : Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making
, Springer Verlag
, Aalborg, Denmark
, Vol. 1620
, 165-174
, jun
, 1999
, Document
ECG interpretation is used to monitor the behavior of the electrical conduction system of the heart in order to diagnose rhythm and conduction disorders. In this paper, we propose a model-based framework relying on a model of the cardiac electrical activity. Due to efficiency constraints, the on-line analysis of the ECG signals is performed by a chronicle recognition system which identifies pathological situations by matching a symbolic description of the signals with temporal patterns stored in a chronicle base. The model can simulate arrhythmias and the related sequences of time-stamped events are collected and then used by an inductive learning program to constitute a satisfying chronicle base. This work is in progress but first results show that the system is able to produce satisfying discriminating chronicles.