Yves Moinard
Unifying various approaches to default logic
, IPMU'92 (Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems) in: Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence, LNCS-682 , Springer-Verlag , Berlin , 33--42 , 1993 , Document

Abstract Default logic is the most popular non monotonic formalism. We present a general framework, defining the classical default extensions as ``justified pre-extensions" having a particular property, ``stability". These pre-extensions have a constructive definition, contrary to classical extensions, and they give rise to a notion of ``formula provable by default" which has appeared yet under several formulations in the literature. Also, we show how a less known proposal of this kind gives a very interesting ``semi-constructive" definition of default extensions. Finally our framework applies to some modal translations of defaults, making precise the relations between the stability in default logic and in autoepistemic modal logic.

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