Publications 2003
Academic Journals
- A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar. Markov Nets: Probabilistic Models for distributed and concurrent systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(11):1936-1950, November 2003.
- A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(5):714-727, May 2003.
- B. Gaujal, S. Haar, J. Mairesse. Blocking a Transition in a Free Choice Net, and what it tells about its throughput. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 66(3):515-548, 2003.
International Conferences
- A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, C. Jard. Distributed Unfoldings: a Tool to Address Distributed Discrete Event Systems Diagnosis. In Proc of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control(CDC), 2003.
- A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, C. Jard. Distributed monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems (plenary address). In Proc. of CONCUR'2003, Marseille, LNCS, Pages 1-26, 2003.
- A. Bouillard, J. Mairesse. Generating series of the trace group. In Developments in Language Theory, Z. Ésik, Z. Fülöp (eds.), LNCS, Volume 2710, Pages 159-170, 2003.
- Blaise Genest, Anca Muscholl, Doron Peled. Message Sequence Charts. In Lectures on Concurrency and Petri Nets, Volume LNCS 3098, Pages 537-558, 2003.
- Blaise Genest, Loïc Hélouët, Anca Muscholl. High-level Message Sequence Charts projection. In proceedings of CONCUR 2003, Marseille, September 2003.
- S. Haar. Distributed Semi-Markov Processes in Stochastic T-Timed Petri Nets. In Proceedings of PNPM, 2003.
- Stefan Haar, Albert Benveniste, Eric Fabre, Claude Jard. Partial Order Diagnosability of Discrete Event Systems using Petri Nets Unfoldings. In 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2003.
- Loïc Hélouët, Marc Zeitoun, Claude Jard. Covert channels detection in protocols using scenarios. In Proceedings of SPV'03, Security Protocols Verification, Marseille, September 2003.
Research Reports
- E. Fabre. Convergence of Turbo Algorithms for Systems Defined by Local Constraints. Publication Interne IRISA, No 1510, June 2003.
- E. Fabre. Factorization of Unfoldings for Distributed Tile Systems, Part 1 : Limited Interaction Case. Publication Interne IRISA, No 1529, April 2003.
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