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Loïc Hélouët, Claude Jard, Benoît Caillaud. An Event Structure Semantics for Message Sequence Charts. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (MSCS) journal, 12(4):377-403, 2002.


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Loïc Hélouët http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom/Personal_Pages/helouet/newloic.html
Claude Jard http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Hélouët, Loïc and Jard, Claude and Caillaud, Benoît},
   Title = {An Event Structure Semantics for Message Sequence Charts},
   Journal = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (MSCS) journal},
   Volume = {12},
   Number = {4},
   Pages = {377--403},
   Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
   Year = {2002}

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