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M. Bozga, JC Fernandez, L. Ghirvu, C. Jard, T. and Kerbrat,A. Jeron, P. Morel, L. Mounier. Verification and Test Generation for the SSCOP Protocol. Journal of Science of Computer Programming, Special Issue on The Application of Formal Methods in Industrial Critical Systems, 36:27-52, 2000.


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Claude Jard http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Bozga, M. and Fernandez, JC and Ghirvu, L. and Jard, C. and Jeron, T.    and Kerbrat,A. and Morel, P. and Mounier, L.},
   Title = {Verification and Test Generation for the SSCOP Protocol},
   Journal = {Journal of Science of Computer Programming, Special Issue on The    Application of Formal Methods in Industrial Critical Systems},
   Volume = {36},
   Pages = {27--52},
   Year = {2000}

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