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Stefan Haar, Albert Benveniste, Eric Fabre, Claude Jard. Partial Order Diagnosability of Discrete Event Systems using Petri Nets Unfoldings. In 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2003.


[ Partial orders ] [ Scenarios ] [ Unfolding ]


Stefan Haar http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom
Albert Benveniste http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom
Eric Fabre http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom
Claude Jard http://www.irisa.fr/distribcom

BibTex Reference

   Author = {Haar, Stefan and Benveniste, Albert and Fabre, Eric and Jard, Claude},
   Title = {Partial Order Diagnosability of Discrete Event Systems using Petri    Nets Unfoldings},
   BookTitle = {42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
   Year = {2003}

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