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Publications of Albert Benveniste

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Academic Journals

  1. Jean-Baptiste Raclet, Eric Badouel, Albert Benveniste, Benoît Caillaud, Axel Legay, Roberto Passerone. A Modal Interface Theory for Component-based Design. Fundam. Inform, 108(1):119-149, 2011. details
  2. Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard. Flexible Probabilistic QoS Management of Orchestrations. International Journal of Web Services Research, 2, 2010. details
  3. Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard. Flexible Probabilistic QoS Management of Orchestrations. Int. J. Web Service Res, 7(2):21-42, 2010. details
  4. Samy Abbes, Albert Benveniste. True-concurrency probabilistic models: Markov nets and a law of large numbers. Theoretical Computer Science, 390(2):129-170, 2008. details
  5. S. Abbes, A. Benveniste. Probabilistic true-concurrency models: Markov nets and a law of large numbers. TCS special issue: FOSSACS 2005, 2007. details
  6. Eric Fabre, Albert Benveniste. Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems: why you can't avoid using them. Journal of Discrete Events Dynamical Systems, 2007. details
  7. Samy Abbes, Albert Benveniste. True-concurrency Probabilistic Models: Branching cells and Distributed Probabilities for Event Structures. Information and Computation, 204(2):231-274, 2006. details
  8. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Jard. Distributed Monitoring of Concurrent and Asynchronous Systems. Journal of Discrete Event Systems, special issue, pages 33-84, May 2005. details
  9. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar. Markov Nets: Probabilistic Models for distributed and concurrent systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(11):1936-1950, November 2003. details
  10. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(5):714-727, May 2003. details
  11. A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard. Fault detection and diagnosis in distributed systems: an approach by partially stochastic Petri Nets. Journal of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems, 8(2):203-231, June 1998. details
  12. A. Benveniste, B.C. Levy, E. Fabre, P. Le Guernic. A Calculus of Stochastic Systems for the Specification, Simulation, and Hidden State Estimation of Mixed Stochastic/NonStochastic Systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 152:171-217, 1995. details

International Conferences

  1. Benoît Masson, Loïc Hélouët, Albert Benveniste. Compatibility of Data-Centric Web Services. In WS-FM, 8th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012. details
  2. Ajay Kattepur, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard. Optimizing Decisions in Web Services Orchestrations. In 9th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), Pages 77-91, 2011. details
  3. Ajay Kattepur, Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard. Variability Modeling and QoS Analysis of Web Services Orchestrations. In ICWS, Pages 99-106, 2010. details
  4. Loïc Hélouët, Albert Benveniste. Document Based Modeling of Web Services Choreographies Using Active XML. In ICWS, Pages 291-298, 2010. details
  5. Anne Bouillard, Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar. Monotonicity in Service Orchestrations. In Petri Nets, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5606, Pages 263-282, 2009. details
  6. Samy Abbes, Albert Benveniste. Concurrency, Sigma-Algebras, and Probabilistic Fairness. In FOSSACS, Pages 380-394, 2009. details
  7. Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard. Probabilistic QoS Management of Transaction based Web services Orchestrations. In IEEE 7th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2009), July 2009. details
  8. Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard. Monitoring Probabilistic SLAs in Web Service Orchestrations. In IFIP/IEEE Intern. Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Mini-conference, June 2009. details
  9. Albert Benveniste. Composing Web Services in an Open World: Issues of Quality of Service. In FORMATS, Pages 0-0, 2008. details
  10. Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard. Probabilistic QoS and soft contracts for transaction based Web services. In ICWS, Pages 126-133, 2007. details
  11. Sidney Rosario, David Kitchin, Albert Benveniste, William and Haar,Stefan Cook, Claude Jard. Event Structure Semantics of ORC. In 4th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM 2007), Brisbane, Australia, October 2007. details
  12. S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Jard. Foundations for Web services Orchestrations: functional and QoS aspects. In ISOLA 2006, 2nd International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, 2006. details
  13. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste. Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems: why you can't avoid using them. In plenary address, 8th Int. Workshop on Discrete Events Systems, WODES, Ann Arbor, July 2006. details
  14. Samy Abbes, Albert Benveniste. Branching Cells as Local States for Event Structures and Nets: Probabilistic Applications. In FoSSaCS, V. Sassone (ed.), Volume 3441, Pages 95-109, 2005. details
  15. Stefan Haar, Albert Benveniste, Eric Fabre, Claude Jard. Fault Diagnosis for Distributed Asynchronous Dynamically Reconfigured Discrete Event Systems. In IFAC World Congress Praha, 2005. details
  16. S. Abbes, A. Benveniste, S. Haar. A Petri net model for distributed learning. In Proceedings of MTNS 2004, 2004. details
  17. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Jard, A. Aghasaryan. Algorithms for Distributed Fault Management in Telecommunications Networks. In International Communication Conference (ICT), August 2004. details
  18. A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, C. Jard. Distributed Unfoldings: a Tool to Address Distributed Discrete Event Systems Diagnosis. In Proc of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control(CDC), 2003. details
  19. A. Benveniste, S. Haar, E. Fabre, C. Jard. Distributed monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems (plenary address). In Proc. of CONCUR'2003, Marseille, LNCS, Pages 1-26, 2003. details
  20. Stefan Haar, Albert Benveniste, Eric Fabre, Claude Jard. Partial Order Diagnosability of Discrete Event Systems using Petri Nets Unfoldings. In 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2003. details
  21. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach. In Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), Zaragoza, October 2002. details
  22. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. Distributed diagnosis for large discrete event dynamic systems. In 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, July 2002. details
  23. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar. Markov Nets\,: Probabilistic Models for Distributed and Concurrent Systems. In 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Orlando, December 2001. details
  24. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard. Distributed State Reconstruction for Large DEDS. In Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, October 2001. details
  25. S. Haar, A. Benveniste, E. Fabre. Markov nets : A new probabilistic model for fault diagnosis in concurrent systems. In Workshop on Concurrency in Dependable Computing, Newcastle, June 2001. details
  26. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard, L. S. Ricker, M. Smith. Distributed state reconstruction for discrete event systems. In 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Sydney, Pages 2252-2257, December 2000. details
  27. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, C. Jard, L. Ricker, M. Smith. Inference on (Bayesian) networks of dynamic systems. In Partial Knowledge and Uncertainty workshop, June 2000. details
  28. A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard. A ``hybrid'' stochastic Petri net approach to fault diagnosis in large distributed system. In Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Pages 921-924, July 1998. details
  29. A. Aghasaryan, E. Fabre, A. Benveniste, R. Boubour, C. Jard. A Petri Net Approach to Fault Detection & Diagnosis in Distributed Systems (Part 2). In 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, Pages 726-731, December 1997. details

Research Reports

  1. Benoît Masson, Loïc Hélouët, Albert Benveniste. Compatibility between DAXML Schemas. Rapport de recherche INRIA, No 0, March 2011. details
  2. Loïc Hélouët, Albert Benveniste. Distributed Active XML and Service Interfaces. Research report INRIA, No 7082, 2009. details
  3. Anne Bouillard, Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar. Monotonicity in Service Orchestrations. INRIA Research Report INRIA, No 0, 2008. details
  4. S. Rosario, D. Kitchin, A. Benveniste, W. Cook, S. Haar, C. Jard. Event Structure Semantics of Orc. Research Report IRISA, No 1853, 2007. details
  5. E. Fabre, A. Benveniste. Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems: why you can't avoid using them. Research Report IRISA, No 1800, May 2006. details
  6. S. Rosario, A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Jard. Net systems semantics of Web Services Orchestrations modeled in ORC. Research Report IRISA, No 1780, January 2006. details
  7. Samy Abbes, Albert Benveniste. True-concurrency Probabilistic Models: Markov Nets and a Law of Large Numbers. Research Report IRISA Research Report RR-1753, October 2005. details
  8. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Distributed Monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems-extended version. Publication Interne IRISA, No 1636, July 2004. details
  9. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Distributed Monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems-extended version. Publication Interne INRIA, No 4842, July 2004. details
  10. S. Abbes, A. Benveniste. Branching Cells as local states for event structures and nets: probabilistic applications. Research Report IRISA, No 1651, 2004. details
  11. S. Abbes, A. Benveniste, S. Haar. Distributed Probabilities on Locally Finite Event Structures - Extended Version. Research Report IRISA, No 1615, 2004. details
  12. A. Benveniste, S. Haar, C. Fabre, C. Jard. Distributed monitoring of concurrent and asynchronous systems - extended version (update of research report PI-1540). Research Report IRISA, No 1636, 2004. details
  13. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach. Publication Interne IRISA, No 1456, May 2002. details
  14. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, S. Haar. Markov nets : Probabilistic models for distributed and concurrent systems. Publication Interne IRISA, No 1415, September 2001. details
  15. A. Benveniste, E. Fabre, C. Jard, S. Haar. Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems, a net unfolding approach. Publication Interne IRISA, No 1399, May 2001. details

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