Aurore JunierEmail : aurore.junier <at> irisa.fr |
I am currently a PhD student. My thesis title is "auto-regulation : determining functioning parameters that guarantee network stability".
2008: Impact of cache replacement policy on the tightness of Worst Case Execution Time estimation, Damien Hardy, Isabelle Puaut, Poster presentation in the Workshop : Real Time and Network Systems 2008 (rtns08.inria.fr)
2009- 2010: Internship in Distribcom, INRIA CR at IRISA, with Anne Bouillard
2009-2010 : Internship in Germany, laboratory Computer Science 12 with Heiko Falk, Dormtund.
2007-2008 : Internship in ALF, INRIA CR at IRISA, with Isabelle Puaut
CV en françaisCV in english
aurore.junier <at> irisa.fr