Associated team D.S.T : Research Themes
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This associated team is a tripartite collaboration between two projects at INRIA Rennes (S4 & Distribcom), the National University of Singapore (NUS), and two institutes in Chennai (INDIA), the Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS). The objective of the DST project is to study distributed systems, supervision and time issues with the help of concurrency models. The two main themes of the project are supervision, and quantitative/timed aspects of systems. The supervision theme will focus on distributed scheduling policies of distributed systems to ensure satisfaction of some properties (preservation of some bound on communication channels, for instance), diagnosis, and distributed control techniques. The second theme on time aspects of distributed systems will focus on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative properties of timed systems and models. The quantitative approaches will rely on network calculus applied to multimode Real Time Calculus, and the timed models studied during the collaboration will be inspired from timed scenarios. We expect some interactions between the two themes, that is improve timed characteristics (throughput, …) using supervision techniques, or conversely use some knowledge of time in a system to perform more accurate diagnosis and supervision.
Theme 1 : Supervision and Control
We want to address two main themes: the first
one is supervisory control, i.e. calculus of a controller or a set of
controllers supervising a system, so that the monitored system satisfies some
given properties. The second one is scheduling, that is finding adequate order
for the activation of autonomous component such that some objectives are always
- Supervisory
control : The idea in supervisory control is to guide a system so that it
reaches a goal or stays in a legal set of behaviors.
The technique used is to compute a machine (also called a controller) that
can observe the system, and forbid some actions to its components. Control
has been well studied since [RW89], but in a centralized setting, that is
observation and control of the system is done by a single centralized
controller. The new challenges are now to consider the problem in a
distributed world, that is control a system via a
set of local and independent controllers, each of them with a partial
observation of the whole system. Distributed control has been shown undecidable in the general case [Tripakis01], but
distributed solutions can be implemented, either with some restrictions to
the architecture (allowed observations, controlled actions, etc), on the
control objectives, or when distributed supervisors are allowed to
communicate. Several objectives have been identified :
- Distributed
control with tagged messages: we propose to investigate the particular
case of distributed control, where communication among distributed controllers
can only take place whenever the system under control communicates (that
is by piggy-backing some
control information on the message of the system), and the control
objective are the fair scheduling of a set of distinguished transitions
of the plant and the boundedness of all
communication buffers.
- Distributed
control with minimal messages: as already mentioned, distributed control
is undecidable, but can find a solution when
the distributed supervisors are allowed to communicate. However, these communications
should not impose time penalties, or be too verbose if the communication
network used between the supervisors is the same as the network used by
the supervised system. Another research direction is then the development
of distributed control and diagnosis synthesis techniques minimizing, for
a given set of ultimately periodic trajectories, the amount of
information that has to be exchanged between the supervisors. In
particular, the paradigm of distributed games could be used to generate
the controllers.
- Control
with true concurrency models: very often, control objectives are given
under the form of a finite state machine, the main objective being to
maintain the behaviors of a system (also given
as a finite state machine) inside this regular description. The
controllers are usually computed using complementation and products of
the finite state machines. A challenging idea is to transpose this
control problem to true concurrency models. A step in this direction was
proposed for asynchronous transition systems in [MTY05]. One may for
instance want to control a plant such that it stays in a MSC language, or
conversely an MSC description (preferably a specification that can be
implemented) so that it stays in some regular language. This involves at
the same time some control and some scheduling among processes. Some work
has been initiated on this topic by Laurie Ricker and Benoit Caillaud. However, these techniques will clearly have
limitations, as specifications given under the form of Message Sequence
Charts, for instance, are not regular languages, and hence products or complementations are not necessarily computable.
- Distributed
control with games: the distributed control problem can also be addressed
using distributed games [WM03]. Two-player games consitute
a useful theoretical tool for the study of centralized synthesis
problems. Analogously, in the context of distributed synthesis, we can
use the model of distributed games, or of games with imperfect
information. However in general distributed games are neither determined
nor algorithmically solvable. Restricting the modes of communications
between players to obtain tractable subclasses of games is challenging
and holds prospects for new questions in distributed control to be
- Scheduling:
Scheduling can be considered as a weakened version of supervisory control,
and consists in specifying parts of a system separately, and ensure some
good properties by activating processes in the system according to a given
strategy. Controllers can forbid actions to reach a goal,
scheduling policies can only postpone them. Good scheduling policies for
distributed embedded applications are required to meet hard real time
constraints and for optimizing the use of computational resources. We want to produce distributed
scheduling policies, that is, scheduling should result from local
monitors. In a recent work, [DGTY08], we have studied the quasi-static
scheduling problem (QSS) in which (uncontrollable) control flow branchings can influence scheduling decisions at run
time. By definition of QSS, this scheduling is given globaly. The QSS
problem has been introduced by people from Cadence (Kondratyev
et al.) to optimize circuits obtained from asynchronous specifications.
The idea was that asynchronous specifications are easier to give, since
they are compositional. However, some hard work has to be performed to
turn automatically these specifications into circuits. The major lock is
that without restriction, the asynchrony among components often leads to communication
channels being unbounded, with the consequence that the system can not be
implemented. One thus needs some smart policy in order to keep every
choice of each device feasible, while keeping the channels bounded. The
only parameter the implementation can play with is thus time: it cannot
forbid actions, but it can postpone them. That is, what one is looking for
is a scheduling policy. The abstract task model that we studied consists
of a network of sequential processes that communicate via point-to-point
buffers. In each round, a task is activated by a request from the
environment. When the task has finished computing the required responses,
it reaches a pre-determined configuration and is ready to receive a new
request from the environment. For such systems, we have proved that
determining existence of quasi-static scheduling policies is undecidable. However, the problem is decidable for the
important sub-class of "data branching" systems in which control
flow branchings are due exclusively to data-dependent
internal choices made by the sequential components, and not because of
choice between which channels to receive from. The challenge is now to
restate the quasi-static scheduling problem as a local monitor problem.
This would improve the solution in two ways. First, obtaining a scheduling
policy guarantees that it can be implemented in a distributed way. Second,
one might obtain decidability for all systems, and not only for data
branching systems. It may seem paradoxical, since there are fewer systems
which can be scheduled by distributed monitors than systems which are
quasi static schedulable. However, those systems which are schedulable
globally but not with distributed monitors seem to be the source of undecidability of QSS for general systems (ie non data
Theme 2 : Time
Quantitative aspects : an important aspect in the analysis of systems
is the study of the worst-case bounds for their performances. Some performance
oriented models such as Network Calculus have already been proposed for static
analysis. Within this setting, a system is seen as interconnected servers that
treat incoming requests according to a service policy. However, with this
model, the parameters of a system never change: arrival and service policies of
servers do not evolve with time. Some models where these parameters can change
have been proposed, such as event count automata and multimode Real time
calculus. Event-count automata count the number of events that can happen at
each time. In each state, the number of events is lower and upper bounded.
Transitions are conditioned to some guards on counters, and when a transition
is fired, some counters can be reset. These models are equivalent to
timed-automata, and hence their analysis can lead to state-space explosion.
During the CASDS collaboration, we have studied an intermediate model called
the "multimode Real Time Calculus": arrival processes obey to some
Network Calculus constraints, but these constraints can change from time to
time. This is modeled by two finite automata (an
arrival automaton and a service automaton), whose
states can change with transitions between states caused by different signals.
In the arrival automaton, an arrival curve is associated to each state, as well
as a time interval where the state can change. Moreover, transitions can be
guarded by some predicates depending on the parameters of the systems
(fill-level for example). The service automaton is defined similarly, with
service functions. We have first tried to find some efficient ways of analysing
these multimode systems. Two models can be efficiently analysed: when the
arrival and service automata are synchronous (the automata change their state
exactly at the same time) and when they are totally asynchronous (one can find
an equivalent arrival curve and an equivalent service curve). We plan to
continue the work on this kind of model, and extend the analysis to cases where
automata are not purely synchronous or purely asynchronous, but rather a mix of
both models. The solution to find efficient analysis techniques could be to mix
the two approaches used in the synchronous and asynchronous cases.
Timed concurrent models and their properties: We propose to study properties of
timed concurrent models, and more precisely of timed scenarios. A recent
extension that adds time constraints to Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) have been proposed [AMN07]. This new model also
brings several new challenges. For instance, checking time constraints on timed
MSCs is an undecidable
problem in general, and a solution have been proposed for the class of regular
MSC languages. An interesting challenge is to study if timed
constraints checking applies to other MSCs
outside this class. The difficulty is to find a way to verify these constraints
over a regular set of representants. However, in the
general case, unbounded MSCs with generic constraints
can be used to encode two counter machines, leading to undecidability.
Another question is whether the timing constraints imposed on an MSC make
executions channel-bounded. In general, this question is also undecidable, but there could be a solution for a restricted
class of constraints. Note that timed scenarios are seen as a starting point,
but that several other true concurrency models might be studied, such as
communicating automata, traces….
Channels with losses : nowadays, MSCs only
describe messages that are lost + found, or necessarily received. However, in
realistic communication protocols, messages that arrive too late can also be
declared obsolete. According to the MSC terminology, such messages are
received. An interesting question is then to consider messages that are sent,
and forgotten if not received in time. This model also differs from models with
lossy channels, as losses here do not depend on a
probability, but rather on time thresholds. Such model has never been proposed,
but we have the intuition that this extension could be done using the extended MSCs of Martin Leucker
Timed diagnosis : So far, very few work address diagnosis with
time [Chatain06]. By diagnosis, we mean the following problem. A distributed
system is equipped by sensors (either material part or code instrumentation)
that send some observations to a supervisor. These observations are collected
to form a partial view of an execution of the system. The question addressed by
diagnosis is, from a given observation O of the system and a model M, find every explanation of the observation compatible with
O. Several approaches have been proposed, using automata or Petri nets as
models. Thomas Chatain has proposed a technique based
on Timed Petri nets unfoldings. In a recent work, we
have proposed an untimed scenario-based approach
[HGG06]. The interest of this approach is to compute a finite representation of
all possible explanations for an observation under the form of a High-level
MSC. An interesting extension to this work would be now to consider diagnosis
from scenarios with time, that is use the information
on the execution dates of some events in the observation and the time
constraints in the scenario model to refine diagnosis.
In addition to these two main
themes, we expect some cross-theme works. For instance, we are interested in
supervision techniques that would allow to maintain a
given quality of service. Using quantitative information on the model may also
be useful to get more efficient algorithms for control and to have a more
accurate view of the behaviors of the systems.
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