KeLP to the n-th

Scot Baden
University of California, San Diego

Hierarchically organized parallel multicomputers present opportunities for delivering high performance, but also many obstacles. Historically, parallel programming models assume a non-hierarchical view of system organization, which is the basis for most general-purpose commercial multicomputers. As a result, programmers are forced to navigate a cluttered terrain of processes, threads, messages, shared memory, and so on. I propose a more orderly programming model, KeLP^N, which supports hierarchical control flow, data decomposition, and data motion. These mechanisms are parameterized according to the level of the machine at which they are applied, and thus present a uniform programmer interface. The run time system hides most of the details, executing anonymous parameterized instruction sequences that carry out the desired behavior at each level of the hierarchy. I present results for a 2-level prototype of KeLP^N running on a dedicated SMP cluster. A variety of hierarchically organized computations have been implemented which generally outperform their non-hierarchical counterparts. In particular, these applications are able to effectively overlap communication on a system which does not realize overlap with non-blocking communication. KeLP supports overlap by ascribing communication at the node rather than the processor level. Communication executes as a separate concurrent task, and how it is implemented on the node cannot be exploited by the programmer. I conclude by generalizing the 2-level model to the general case of N levels, and sketch the details of an overlapped version of an iterative finite difference solver running on a 3-level multicomputer with symmetric multiprocessor nodes. Overlap in this computation is expressed at 2 distinct levels.

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