Tiling, the Universal Optimization

Larry Carter
UCSD and San Diego Supercomputer Center

Tiling is a method of improving performance of a program by partitioning the program's ISG (Iteration Space Graph) into similar pieces for atomic execution on a computer with a hierarchy of processors and memory. In this talk, I visit each of the italicized phrases twice. The first pass gives a limited meaning to each term, and is intended to be non-controversial. The second pass expands the definitions and makes the argument that a broad range of optimization techniques are, in essence, tiling. We argue that tiling should consider storage mapping, scheduling, and communication pipelining decisions; that it encompasses inspector/executor methods; that it can facilitate register allocation, storage compaction, instruction cache optimization, fault tolerance, and adaptive computing on heterogeneous platforms; and so on. This is joint work with everyone who has ever improved the performance of a program, and in particular with Bowen Alpern, Jeanne Ferrante, Susan Flynn Hummel, Kang Su Gatlin, Karin Hogstedt, and Nick Mitchell.

Further info and related paper(s):