Steven Derrien
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex
tél : 02 99 84 74 60
fax : 02 99 84 71 71
- Professor at ISTIC, University
of Rennes 1.
- Member of the CAIRN research group at
Job offers
Current research activities
- Source to source program transformations
for High Level Synthesis
- Automatic parallelization for
heterogeneous embeded many-core architectures
- Ultra low-power architectures for
Wireless Sensor Nodes
- FP7 project ALMA (2011-2014)
- ANR project COMPA (2011-2014)
Habilitation (in english) :
- Design Automation for Applictaion
Specific Hardware Architectures. Habilitation à diriger les
recherches de l'Université de Rennes 1, soutenue le 13 décembre

Phd dissertation (in french)
- Etude quantitative des techniques de
partitionnement de réseaux de processeurs pour l'implantation sur
circuits FPGA , Thèse de l'université de Rennes 1, soutenue le 2
décembre 2002, pdf, transparents.
Book chapters :
- Steven Derrien, Sanjay Rajopadhye,
Patrice Quinton and Tanguy Risset. High-Level Synthesis
of Loops Using the Polyhedral Model. In High-Level Synthesis: From
Algorithm to Digital Circuit by Philippe Coussy and Adam Morawiec.
Springer Netherlands, 2008.

Journal papers :
Naeem Abbas, Steven Derrien, Sanjay
Rajopapdhye, and Patrice Quinton. Hardware Acceleration
of HMMER on FPGAs. 2011. Submitted to IEEE Transaction on
parallel and Distributed
Computing, currently
undergoing major revision.
Muhammad Adeel Pasha, Steven Derrien, and
Olivier Sentieys. System Level Synthesis for
Wireless Sensor Node Controllers : A Complete Design Flow. ACM
Transactions on Design
Automation of Electronic Systems, 17(1), 2012.
Vivek D. Tovinakere, Olivier Sentieys, and
Steven Derrien. A Polynomial Based Approach to
Wakeup Time and Energy Estimation in Power-Gated Logic Clusters.
Journal of Low Power
Electronics, 7 :482–489, december 2011.
Steven Derrien, Patrice Quinton: Hardware
Acceleration of HMMER on FPGAs. Journal
of Signal Processing Systems, issue 58, Springer : 53-67, 2010 
Rayan Chikhi, Steven Derrien,
Auguste Noumsi, Patrice Quinton. Combining flash memory and FPGAs
to efficiently implement a massively parallel algorithm for
content-based image retrieval, International Journal of
Electronics, Volume 95 Issue 7,Pages 621 – 635, 2008
- Steven
Derrien, Alexandru Turjan, Claudiu Zissulescu, Bart Kienhuis and Ed
Deprettere, ``Deriving Efficient Control in Process Networks with
Compaan/laura'', to appear in the International Journal of Embedded
Systems, to appear in 2005.
International conferences :
- Antoine Morvan, Steven Derrien, and Patrice
Quinton. Efficient Nested Loop Pipelining in
High Level Synthesis using Polyhedral Bubble Insertion. In
International Conference on Field-
Programmable Technology (FPT’11), Beijing, China, 2011. December 2011.
- Antoine Floch, Tomofumi Yuki, Clement Guy,
Steven Derrien, Benoit Combemale, Sanjay
Rajopadhye, and Robert B. France. Model-Driven Engineering and
Optimizing Compilers : A
bridge too far ? In ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model
Driven Engineering
Languages and Systems (Models’11), pages 608–622, October 2011.
- Vivek T D, Olivier Sentieys, and Steven
Derrien. A Semiemperical Model for Wakeup Time
Estimation in Power-Gated Logic Clusters. In Proc. of the IEEE/ACM
Design Automation
Conference (DAC), Anaheim, CA, USA, June 2012.
- V. Basupalli, Tomofumi Yuki, Sanjay V.
Rajopadhye, Antoine Morvan, Steven Derrien, Patrice
Quinton, and David Wonnacott. ompVerify : Polyhedral Analysis for the
OpenMP Programmer.
In 7th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2011, pages 37–53, 2011.
- Alexandre Cornu, Steven Derrien, and
Dominique Lavenier. HLS Tools for FPGA : Faster
Development with Better Performance. In Reconfigurable Computing :
Architectures, Tools
and Applications - 7th International Symposium, ARC 2011, pages 67–78,
- Vivek T D, Olivier Sentieys, and Steven
Derrien. Wakeup Time andWakeup Energy Estimation
in Power-Gated Logic Clusters. International Conference on VLSI Design,
0 :340–345, 2011.
- Naeem Abbas, Steven Derrien, Sanjay
Rajopadhye, and Patrice Quinton. Accelerating HMMER
on FPGA using Parallel Prefixes and Reductions. In IEEE International
Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology (FPT’10), pages 37–44, Beijing, China,
December 2010.
- M. Adeel Pasha, Steven Derrien and Olivier
Sentieys, A complete design-flow for the generation of ultra
low-power wsn node architectures based on micro- tasking. in
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC 2010),
June 2010
- M. Adeel Pasha, Steven Derrien and Olivier
Sentieys, System-Level Synthesis for Ultra Low-Power Wireless
Sensor Nodes, to appear at 13th Euromicro Conference on Digital
System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 2010), September
- M. Adeel Pasha, Steven Derrien and Olivier
Sentieys, Ultra Low-Power FSM for Control Oriented Applications,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, ISCAS 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Steven Derrien, Patrice Quinton,
Parallelizing HMMER for hardware acceleration on FPGAs, 18th IEEE
International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures
and Processors (ASAP 2007), Montreal, July 2007 (best paper award)
- Rayan chikhi, Steven Derrien, Auguste
Noumsi, Patrice Quinton, Combining Flash Memory and FPGAs to
Efficiently Implement a Massively Parallel Algorithm for Content-Based
Image Retrieval, International Workshop on Applied Reonfigurable
comuting, Brasil, March 2007.
- Auguste Noumsi, Steven Derrien, Patrice
Quinton, Acceleration of a Content Based Image Retrieval Application on
the RDISK Cluster. IEEE International Parallel & Distributed
Processing Symposium, April 2006.
- Alain Darte, Steven Derrien, Tanguy
Risset, Hardware/Software Interface for Multi-Dimensional Processor
Arrays, IEEE International Conference on Application-specific
Systems, Architectures and Processors, July 2005.
- S.Derrien, A. Turjan, C.Zissulescu, B.
Kienhuis, Deriving Efficient Control for Process Networks, Workshop
on Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), 2003.
- D. Lavenier, S. Guyétant, S. Derrien, S.
Rubini, A reconfigurable parallel disk system for filtering genomic
banks, ERSA'03, Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and
Algorithms , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2003.

- S. Derrien, S. Rajopadhye,
Energy/Power Estimation of Regular Processor Arrays, International
Symposium on System Synthesis. Kyoto, Japan, October 2002.
- S.Derrien, A.C.Guillou, P.Quinton,
T.Risset and C.Wagner, Automatic Synthesis of Efficient Interfaces for
Compiled Regular Architectures, Workshop on Systems, Architectures,
Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), 2002. (ps.gz)
- S. Derrien, S. Rajopadhye, S.
Sur-Kolay, Combining Instruction and Loop Level Parallelism for
Array Synthesis on FPGAs, International Symposium on System
Synthesis. October 2001 (pdf).
- S. Derrien, S. Rajopadhye, Loop Tiling
for Reconfigurable Accelerators, International Conference on Field
Programmable Logic, August 2001 (pdf).
- D.lavenier, E.Fabiani, S.Derrien,
C.Wagner, Systolic Array for computing the pixel purity index (PPI)
algorithm on hyperspectral images, SPIE Conference on Imaging
Spectrometry, 2001. (pdf)
- S. Derrien, K.G. Konolige, Approximating
a Single Viewpoint in Panoramic Imaging Devices, IEEE International
Conference on Robotic and Automation. April 2000.
- S. Derrien, S. Rajopadhye, FCCMs and the
Memory Wall, IEEE Symposium on FPGA Custom Computing Machines,
April 2000.
- S. Derrien, T. Risset, Interfacing
compiled FPGA programs: the MMAlpha approach, International
Workshop on Engineering of Reconfigurable Hardware/Software Objects,
June 2000.
- S. Derrien, S. Sur Kolay
and S. Rajopadhye, Optimal Partitionning for FPGA based Arrays
Implementation, (IEEE PARELEC'00 Trois-Rivières, Quebec),
August 2000.
Research reports :
- S. Derrien, S.Rajopadhye, S. Sur-Kolay :
Combining Instruction and Loop Level Parrallelism for FPGAs. IRISA
Research report N°1376, Frebruary 2001.