Liste des fonctions de traitement du signal sous Matlab.
Signal Processing Toolbox.
Version 3.0b 10-Jan-94
Waveform generation.
diric - Dirichlet (periodic sinc) function.
sawtooth - Sawtooth function.
sinc - Sinc or sin(pi*x)/(pi*x) function
square - Square wave function.
Filter analysis and implementation.
abs - Magnitude.
angle - Phase angle.
conv - Convolution.
fftfilt - Overlap-add filter implementation.
filter - Filter implementation.
filtfilt - Zero-phase version of filter.
filtic - Determine filter initial conditions.
freqs - Laplace transform frequency response.
freqspace - Frequency spacing for frequency response.
freqz - Z-transform frequency response.
grpdelay - Group delay.
impz - Impulse response (discrete).
unwrap - Unwrap phase.
zplane - Discrete pole-zero plot.
Linear system transformations.
convmtx - Convolution matrix.
poly2rc - Polynomial to reflection coefficients transformation.
rc2poly - Reflection coefficients to polynomial transformation.
residuez - Z-transform partial fraction expansion.
sos2ss - Second-order sections to state-space conversion.
sos2tf - Second-order sections to transfer function conversion.
sos2zp - Second-order sections to zero-pole conversion.
ss2sos - State-space to second-order sections conversion.
ss2tf - State-space to transfer function conversion.
ss2zp - State-space to zero-pole conversion.
tf2ss - Transfer function to state-space conversion.
tf2zp - Transfer function to zero-pole conversion.
zp2sos - Zero-pole to second-order sections conversion.
zp2ss - Zero-pole to state-space conversion.
zp2tf - Zero-pole to transfer function conversion.
IIR digital filter design.
besself - Bessel analog filter design.
butter - Butterworth filter design.
cheby1 - Chebyshev type I filter design.
cheby2 - Chebyshev type II filter design.
ellip - Elliptic filter design.
yulewalk - Yule-Walker filter design.
IIR filter order selection.
buttord - Butterworth filter order selection.
cheb1ord - Chebyshev type I filter order selection.
cheb2ord - Chebyshev type II filter order selection.
ellipord - Elliptic filter order selection.
FIR filter design.
fir1 - Window based FIR filter design - low, high, band, stop.
fir2 - Window based FIR filter design - arbitrary response.
firls - FIR filter design - arbitrary response with transition bands.
intfilt - Interpolation FIR filter design.
remez - Parks-McClellan optimal FIR filter design.
remezord - Parks-McClellan filter order selection.
czt - Chirp-z transform.
dct - Discrete cosine transform.
dftmtx - Discrete Fourier transform matrix.
fft - Fast Fourier transform.
fftshift - Swap vector halves.
hilbert - Hilbert transform.
idct - Inverse discrete cosine transform.
ifft - Inverse fast Fourier transform.
Statistical signal processing.
cohere - Coherence function estimate.
corrcoef - Correlation coefficients.
cov - Covariance matrix.
csd - Cross Spectral Density.
psd - Power Spectral Density.
spectrum - psd, csd, cohere and tfe combined.
tfe - Transfer function estimate.
xcorr - Cross-correlation function.
xcov - Covariance function.
bartlett - Bartlett window.
blackman - Blackman window.
boxcar - Rectangular window.
chebwin - Chebyshev window.
hamming - Hamming window.
hanning - Hanning window.
kaiser - Kaiser window.
triang - Triangular window.
Parametric modeling.
invfreqs - Analog filter fit to frequency response.
invfreqz - Discrete filter fit to frequency response.
levinson - Levinson-Durbin recursion.
lpc - Linear Predictive Coefficients using autocorrelation method.
prony - Prony's discrete filter fit to time response.
stmcb - Steiglitz-McBride iteration for ARMA modeling.
ident - See also the Identification Toolbox.
Specialized operations.
cceps - Complex cepstrum.
decimate - Resample data at a lower sample rate.
deconv - Deconvolution.
demod - Demodulation for communications simulation.
interp - Resample data at a higher sample rate.
interp1 - General 1-D interpolation. (MATLAB Toolbox)
medfilt1 - 1-Dimensional median filtering.
modulate - Modulation for communications simulation.
rceps - Real cepstrum and minimum pahse reconstruction.
resample - Resample sequence with new sampling rate.
specgram - Spectrogram, for speech signals.
spline - Cubic spline interpolation.
vco - Voltage controlled oscillator.
Analog lowpass filter prototypes.
besselap - Bessel filter prototype.
buttap - Butterworth filter prototype.
cheb1ap - Chebyshev type I filter prototype (passband ripple).
cheb2ap - Chebyshev ty[pe II filter prototype (stopband ripple).
ellipap - Elliptic filter prototype.
Frequency translation.
lp2bp - Lowpass to bandpass analog filter transformation.
lp2bs - Lowpass to bandstop analog filter transformation.
lp2hp - Lowpass to highpass analog filter transformation.
lp2lp - Lowpass to lowpass analog filter transformation.
Filter discretization.
bilinear - Bilinear transformation with optional prewarping.
impinvar - Impulse invariance analog to digital conversion.
conv2 - 2-D convolution.
cplxpair - Order vector into complex conjugate pairs.
detrend - Linear trend removal.
fft2 - 2-D fast Fourier transform.
fftshift - Swap quadrants of array.
ifft2 - Inverse 2-D fast Fourier transform.
polystab - Polynomial stabilization.
stem - Plot discrete data sequence.
strips - Strip plot.
xcorr2 - 2-D cross-correlation.
cztdemo - Chirp-z transform and FFT demonstration.
filtdemo - Filter design demonstration.
moddemo - Modulation/demodulation demonstration.
sosdemo - Second-order sections demonstration.