


Yann MÉVEL got his Ph.D. with the CAPS group in March 1999



PhD student in the CAPS team from the 01/01/96 to 12/31/98 in the scope of a collaboration with the SIMULOG company. 



The TSF project: Tool Set for FORTRAN Programs

The TSF project aims at developing a new kind of tool to port codes to high performance computers. It is built on automatic parallelization techniques and case-based reasoning. The integration of these two set of techniques aims at helping users to better choose program transformations, by taking into account previous experiences, when porting code to a high performance architecture. The system is built upon FORESYS from SIMULOG.

For more details about the TSF project click here


  • François Bodin, Yann Mével, René Quiniou. « A User Level Program Transformation Tool ». In Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, Melbourne, Australia, july 1998.
  • François Bodin, Hugues Leroy, Yann Mével, René Quiniou. « Portage de codes pour architectures hautes performances ». Technique et Science Informatiques, Volume 17, No5, mai 1998.

last update: 08 02 2000
version française
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