
Research Projects > CAPS > Members





Thierry LAFAGE


Contact information

Campus de Beaulieu
35042 RENNES Cedex

Phone : +33 2 99 84 75 97
Fax : 02 99 84 71 71


Who am I?

After a thesis at IRISA/INRIA in Rennes (Brittany) with André Seznec as advisor (defended in December 2000), two years spent as a research engineer at Philips Research France (near Paris), I am back at IRISA since Fecruary 2003 as an expert engineer (for 16 months). I work on the PACCMAN project (a compiler for cryptography ASIP).

Current activity

The PACCMAN project (PlAteforme de Composants Cryptographiques pour Multi-Applications Nationales), aims at designing and producing a ``French'' cryptographic platform. This platform will be composed of a cryptography ASIP (Application Specific Integrated Processor) and a complete compiler tool-chain (including debugger and profiler).

Past research activity

The research topic I was involved in when I was PhD student concerned program trace collection. Program traces may consist of the addresses of instructions executed and/or data referenced in an application. These traces are useful to simulate microprocessor architectures and/or memory hierarchies in order to evaluate their performance (trace-driven, on-the-fly, or execution-driven simulation). However, software trace collection induces significant execution slowdown. 

We have worked on a new cost effective trace collection and on-the-fly simulation approach. The original application code is lightly annotated to provide a fast (direct) execution mode. An embedded instruction-set emulator enables trace collection or on-the-fly simulations. At run time, dynamic switches are enabled from the fast mode to the emulation mode by the annotation code, and vice-versa. 

The implementation of this method is composed of an instrumentation tool, calvin2, and a SPARC V9 instruction-set emulator: DICE (Dynamic Inner Code Emulator). These tools are able to catch user-level activity and have been extensively tested on the SPEC95 benchmarks

DICE has been extended to LiKE (Linux Kernel Emulator) in order to trace/simulate partial operating system level activity. LiKE is a dynamically loadable module and can be incorporated to a very slightly patched Linux kernel at any moment. However, the development of this tool has been stopped. 

One of our main concerns was also enabling complete execution-driven simulations with DICE. This will allow us to simulate realistic microprocessors (e.g. speculative, out-of-order execution, ...) on long running applications.

A more detailed description can be found here.



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Last update: Apr 2005
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