Current position
I am a PhD in the CAPS team. I have
defended my PhD the 15th of December 2004 in Rennes.
The title of my PhD thesis is "Global compilation scheme under constraints for
trade-off between code size and performance". A version of my PhD dissertation
is available here.
I am teaching assistant (called ATER)
at the University of Rennes 1 since the 1st of September 2004.
Research interest
Keywords : code optimization, code compression, iterative and profile-guided
compilation, tradeoffs between antagonistic objectives at compile time, multi-constraints
Academic Journals
- K. Heydemann, F. Bodin, P.M.W. Knijnenburg, L. Morin.
UFS: a Global Trade-off Strategy for Loop Unrolling
for VLIW Architectures. To appear in Concurrency
and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal, 2004.
International Conferences
- Karine Heydemann, François Bodin, Henri-Pierre Charles. A Software-only
Compression System for Tradind-offs between Performance and Code Size. In
SCOPES'2005, Dallas, Texas. To appear.
- Karine Heydemann, François Bodin, Peter Knijnenburg,
Laurent Morin. UFC : a Global Tradeoff
Strategy for Loop Unrolling for VLIW Architectures. In CPC'2003,
Pages 59-70, 2003.
- Karine Heydemann, Henri-Pierre Charles, Franois
Bodin. Schéma de compression reconfigurable
avec un émulateur logiciel pour la recherche de compromis entre la taille
du code et sa performance. In RenPar'15/CFSE'3/SympAAA'2003,
Pages 417-424, La Colle sur Loup, France, 2003.
Research Reports
- Karine Heydemann, Henri-Pierre Charles, François
Bodin. A compression scheme for code
size versus performance trade-off. Research
Report IRISA, No 1574, 2003.
- Karine Heydemann, François Bodin, Peter Knijnenburg.
Global Trade-off between Code Size and Performance
for Loop Unrolling on VLIW Architectures. publication
interne Irisa, No 1390, 2001.
- Karine Heydemann. Schéma
de compilation global sous contraintes pour la recherche de compromis entre
la taille d'un code et sa performance. PhD
Thesis University of Rennes I, December 2004.
Contact information
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 RENNES Cedex
phone: +33 2 99 84 74 67