The Salto Project

Project contacts for INRIA:
F. Bodin, E. Rohou, Z. Chamski, A. Seznec,

General Presentation

Salto is a retargetable framework for developing the whole spectrum of tools that manipulates assembly-language. The objective of such a system is to provide the user with a single environment that will allow him to implement the tools that are needed for performance tuning on low-level codes; this set of tools includes assembly-code schedulers (such as software pipelining), as well as profiling and tracing tools that provide the user with information on where to focus optimizations and how efficient they can be, therefore allowing tradeoff choices. Such a system is intended to address general computing as well as embedded systems for which optimizations are more critical and aggressive, but time-consuming techniques are more tolerable.

Salto is fully and easily retargetable with respect to the hardware details and the instruction set architecture. Any relevant piece of hardware has to be described in a machine description file. Then resource usage may be represented for any instruction therefore enabling data dependences computation.

Salto is partially founded by the ESPRIT LTR project OCEANS.

o Demonstrations

o Overview of the System

o User Manual of the System

This Software is copyright (C) INRIA 1997.
