CAPS team


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Table des matières

CAPS team

CAPS members

CAPS themes

CAPS Grail

CAPS path to the Grail

Need for high-performance processors

CAPS (ancient) background

CAPS background in architecture

CAPS background in compilers

We build on

Salto overview

Compiler activities

Computer aided hand tuning


Analysis and Tuning tool for Low Level Assembly and Source code (with Thomson Multimedia)

ATLLAS - Analysis and Tuning tool for Low Level Assembly and Source code : Tuning method

Assembly Level Infrastrure for Software Enhancement (with STmicroelectonics)



Preprocessor for media processors (MEDEA+ Mesa project)

Preprocessor for media processors: our approach

Iterative compilation

High performance instruction set simulation

ABSCISS: Assembly Based System for Compiled Instruction Set Simulation

Enabling superscalar processor simulation

Calvin2 + DICE

Moving tools to IA64

Low power, compilation, architecture, … (just beginning :=)

Caches and branch predictors

Simultaneous Multithreading

« Enlarging » the instruction window (supported by Intel)

Unwritten rule on superscalar processor designs

4-cluster WSRS architecture (supported by Intel)

Multiprocessor on a chip

HIPSOR HIgh Performance SOftware Random number generation


Auteur:Bodin François