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ASPI : Applications of interacting particle systems to statistics

Post-doctoral position opened in 2006 / 2007

Stability of the optimal Bayesian filter as a random dynamical system

Location : IRISA / INRIA Rennes

Duration : one year, starting September 2006 (or later)

Application deadline : March 31, 2006

Team : ASPI (Applications of interacting particle systems to statistics)

Contact : François Le Gland (tél. : +33 (0)2 99 84 73 62, e-mail :

Background : hidden Markov models, Bayesian filtering, dynamical systems

Subject : In full generality, filtering is about estimating the hidden state of a system from noisy and partial observations, usually in a Markov context. When optimality is considered in the mean-square error sense, the problem reduces to computing the conditional probability distribution of the hidden state given past observations, known as the Bayesian optimal filter. This is a random element in the space of probability distributions, characterized as the solution of a random evolution equation driven by the noisy observations, known as the filtering equation, which depends on

Even if these ingredients of the filtering equation are known exactly, its initial condition, which is the probability distribution of the hidden initial state, is usually unknown in practice, and the filtering equation is initialized with an arbitrary probability distribution. It is therefore important to study stability properties of the filtering equation with respect to its initial condition, which has several important practical implications on This longstanding issue in Bayesian filtering has received a positive answer in works by Atar-Zeitouni, Del Moral-Guionnet and Le Gland-Oudjane, under rather strong mixing assumptions which essentially can hold when the state space is compact, and has proved surprisingly difficult to answer in the general noncompact case, even though several attempts have been made in the recent years by Budhiraja-Ocone, Chigansky-Liptser, Le Gland-Oudjane and Oudjane-Rubenthaler, yielding to a positive answer in some special cases. This calls for new ideas, and the objective of this post-doc project is

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