Our paper “Exploring the use of Tags for Georeplicated Content Placement” by Stephane Delbruel, Davide Frey and François Taïani has received the Best Paper Award at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2016).

Our paper “Mignon: a Fast Decentralized Content Consumption Estimation in Large-Scale Distributed Systems” by Stephane Delbruel, Davide Frey and François Taïani has been accepted at the 16th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS 2016).

We are receiving Evangelos Bampas from Aix-Marseille University – Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille (LIF). He will give a talk on Wednesday, March 23 at 14:00 in room Turing.

Title: On mobile agent verifiable problems

We consider decision problems that are solved in a distributed fashion by synchronous mobile agents operating in an unknown, anonymous network. Each agent has a unique identifier and an input string and they have to decide collectively a property which may involve their input strings, the graph on which they are operating, and their particular starting positions. Building on recent work by Fraigniaud and Pelc [LATIN 2012], we introduce several new and natural computability classes allowing for a finer classification of problems below co-MAV or MAV, the latter being the class of decision problems that are verifiable when an appropriate certificate is distributed to the agents. We provide inclusion and separation results among all these classes. We also determine their closure properties with respect to set-theoretic operations. Our main technical tool, which is of independent interest, is a new meta-protocol that enables the execution of a possibly infinite number of mobile agent protocols essentially in parallel, similarly to the well-known dovetailing technique from classical computability theory.

Evangelos Bampas is a postdoctoral researcher in LIF, Aix-Marseille University. Previously, he has worked in LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens in Greece, and in LIP6, Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6). He received his doctorate in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Prof. Stathis Zachos. His research interests include distributed computing with an emphasis on mobile agent computing, and wavelength assignment problems in optical networks.

Evangelos’ personal page: http://www.corelab.ntua.gr/~ebamp

Our paper “Being Prepared In a Sparse World: The Case of KNN Graph Construction” by Antoine Boutet, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Nupur Mittal and Francois Taiani has been accepted at 32nd IEEE Conference on Data Engineering.


(French version below)

You are cordially invited to attend the PhD defense of Eleni Kanellou that will be held on December 14, 2015 at 14:30 in room Guernesey (ISTIC) and for a drink in room Belle-Ile.

Jury members:
Hugues Fauconnier, Professor, Université Paris 7 Denis-Diderot
Petr Kuznetsov, Professor, Telecom Paris Tech
Panagiota Fatourou, Associate professor, University of Crete
Achour Mostefaoui, Professor, Université de Nantes
François Taiani, Professor, Université de Rennes 1
Michel Raynal, Professor, Université de Rennes 1

Title: Data Structures for Current Multi-core and Future Many-core Architectures

Though a majority of current processor architectures relies on shared, cache-coherent memory, current prototypes that integrate large amounts of cores, connected through a message-passing substrate, indicate that architectures of the near future may have these characteristics. Either of those tendencies requires that processes execute in parallel, making concurrent programming a necessary tool. The inherent difficulty of reasoning about concurrency, however, may make the new processor architectures hard to program. In order to deal with issues such as this, we explore approaches for providing ease of programmability. We propose WFR-TM, an approach based on transactional memory (TM), which is a concurrent programming paradigm that employs transactions in order to synchronize the access to shared data. A transaction may either commit, making its updates visible, or abort, discarding its updates. WFR-TM combines desirable characteristics of pessimistic and optimistic TM. In a pessimistic TM, no transaction ever aborts ; however, in order to achieve that, existing TM algorithms employ locks in order to execute update transactions sequentially, decreasing the degree of achieved parallelism. Optimistic TMs execute all transactions concurrently but commit them only if they have encountered no conflict during their execution. WFR-TM provides read-only transactions that are wait-free, without ever executing expensive synchronization operations (like CAS, LL/SC, etc), or sacrificing the parallelism between update transactions. We further present Dense, a concurrent graph implementation. Graphs are versatile data structures that allow the implementation of a variety of applications. However, multi-process applications that rely on graphs still largely use a sequential implementation. We introduce an innovative concurrent graph model that provides addition and removal of any edge of the graph, as well as atomic traversals of a part (or the entirety) of the graph. Dense achieves wait-freedom by relying on light-weight helping and provides the inbuilt capability of performing a partial snapshot on a dynamically determined subset of the graph. We finally aim at predicted future architectures. In the interest of code reuse and of a common paradigm, there is recent momentum towards porting software runtime environments, originally intended for shared-memory settings, onto non-cache-coherent machines. JVM, the runtime environment of the high-productivity language Java, is a notable example. Concurrent data structure implementations are important components of the libraries that environments like these incorporate. With the goal of contributing to this effort, we study general techniques for implementing distributed data structures assuming they have to run on many-core architectures that offer either partially cache-coherent memory or no cache coherence at all and present implementations of stacks, queues, and lists.

Vous êtes cordialement invités à venir assister à la soutenance de thèse de Eleni Kanellou qui se tiendra lundi 14 décembre 2015 à 14h30 en salle Guernesey (ISTIC) ainsi qu’au pot qui suivra en salle Belle-Ile.

Titre : Structures de données pour des architectures multi-cœur actuelles et de futures architectures many-cœur

Composition du jury :
Hugues Fauconnier, Professeur, Université Paris 7 Denis-Diderot
Petr Kuznetsov, Professeur, Telecom Paris Tech
Panagiota Fatourou, Maître de conférences, University of Crete
Achour Mostefaoui, Professeur, Université de Nantes
François Taiani, Professeur, Université de Rennes 1
Michel Raynal, Professeur, Université de Rennes 1

Résumé :
Actuellement, la majorité des architectures de processeurs sont fondées sur une mémoire partagée avec cohérence de caches. Des prototypes intégrant de grandes quantités de coeurs, reliés par une infrastructure de transmission de messages, indiquent que, dans un proche avenir, les architectures de processeurs vont probablement avoir ces caractéristiques. Ces deux tendances exigent que les processus s’exécutent en parallèle et rendent la programmation concurrente nécessaire. Cependant, la difficulté inhérente du raisonnement sur la concurrence peut rendre ces nouvelles machines difficiles à programmer. Nous explorons trois approches ayant pour but de faciliter la programmation concurrente. Nous proposons WFR-TM, une approche fondé sur la mémoire transactionnelle (TM), un paradigme de programmation concurrente qui utilise des transactions afin de synchroniser l’accès aux données partagées. Une transaction peut soit terminer (commit), rendant visibles ses modifications, soit échouer (abort), annulant toutes ses modifications. WFR-TM tente de combiner des caractéristiques désirables des TM optimistes et pessimistes. Une TM pessimiste n’échoue jamais aucune transaction; néanmoins les algorithmes existants utilisent des verrous pour exécuter de manière séquentielle les transactions qui contiennent des opérations d’écriture. Les algorithmes TM optimistes exécutent toutes les transactions en parallèle mais les terminent seulement si elles n’ont pas rencontré de conflit au cours de leur exécution. WFR-TM fournit des transactions en lecture seule qui sont wait-free, sans jamais exécuter d’opérations de synchronisation coûteuse (par ex. CAS, LL\SC, etc) ou sacrifier le parallélisme entre les transactions d’écriture. Nous présentons également Dense, une implémentation concurrente de graphe. Les graphes sont des structures de données polyvalentes qui permettent la mise en oeuvre d’une variété d’applications. Cependant, des applications multi-processus qui utilisent des graphes utilisent encore largement des versions séquentielles. Nous introduisons un nouveau modèle de graphes concurrents, permettant l’ajout ou la suppression de n’importe quel arc du graphe, ainsi que la traversée atomique d’une partie (ou de l’intégralité) du graphe. Dense offre la possibilité d’effectuer un snapshot partiel d’un sous-ensemble du graphe défini dynamiquement. Enfin, nous ciblons les futures architectures. Dans l’intérêt de la réutilisation du code il existe depuis quelques temps une tentative d’adaptation des environnements d’exécution de logiciel – comme par ex. JVM, l’environnement d’exécution de Java – initialement prévus pour mémoire partagée, à des machines sans cohérence de caches. Nous étudions des techniques générales pour implémenter des structures de données distribuées en supposant qu’elles vont être utilisées sur des architectures many-core, qui n’offrent qu’une cohérence partielle de caches, voir pas de cohérence du tout.

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