Séminaire département D1 – Roy Friedman – Utilizing Approximate Counting in Distributed Caching and Content Delivery
Dec 12th, 2013 by cbouton
ASAP team is receiving Roy Friedman from Israel Institute of Technology. He will give a talk on Friday, December 20th at 11:00 in Markov room.
Mohammad Nabil Alaggan PhD defence on december the 16th, 2013 at 10:30am in Aurigny Room
Dec 11th, 2013 by cbouton
Vous êtes cordialement invités à assister à la soutenance de thèse de Mohammad Nabil ALAGGAN intitulée :
Private Peer-to-peer similarity computation in personalized collaborative platforms
Composition du Jury :
M. Daniel LE METAYER, Directeur de Recherche à Inria Grenoble, Rapporteur
M. Marc-Olivier KILLIJIAN, Chargé de Recherche CNRS-LAAS Toulouse, Rapporteur
M. Luis RODRIGUES, Professor at Departamento de Engenharia Informática, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Examinateur
M. Ludovic ME, Enseignant Chercheur à Supélec Rennes, Examinateur
Mme. Anne-Marie KERMARREC, Directrice de Recherche à Inria Rennes, Directrice de thèse
M. Sébastien GAMBS, Chercheur à Inria Rennes, Co-directeur de thèse
Abstract :
In this thesis, we consider a distributed collaborative platform in which each peer hosts his private information, such as the URLs he liked or the news articles that grabbed his interest or videos he watched, on his own machine. Then, without relying on a trusted third party, the peer engages in a distributed protocol, combining his private data with other peers’ private data to perform collaborative filtering. The main objective is to be able to receive personalized recommendations or other services such as a personalized distributed search engine. User-based collaborative filtering protocols, which depend on computing user-to-user similarity, have been applied to distributed systems. As computing the similarity between users requires the use of their private profiles, this raises serious privacy concerns. In this thesis, we address the problem of privately computing similarities between peers in collaborative platforms. Our work provides a private primitive for similarity computation that can make collaborative protocols privacy-friendly. We address the unique challenges associated with applying privacy-preserving techniques for similarity computation to dynamic large scale systems. In particular, we introduce a two-party cryptographic protocol that ensures differential privacy, a strong notion of privacy. Moreover, we solve the privacy budget issue that would prevent peers from computing their similarities more than a fixed number of times by introducing the notion of bidirectional anonymous channel. We also develop a heterogeneous variant of differential privacy that can provide different level of privacy to different users, and even different level of privacy to different items within a single user’s profile, thus taking into account different privacy expectations. Moreover, we propose a non-interactive protocol that is very efficient for releasing a small and private representation of peers’ profiles that can be used to estimate similarity. Finally, we study the problem of choosing an appropriate privacy parameter both theoretically and empirically by creating several inference attacks that demonstrate for which values of the privacy parameter the privacy level provided is acceptable.
Paper accepted in IEEE TSE
Nov 4th, 2013 by ftaiani
Our paper “GossipKit: A Unified Component Framework for Gossip” by François Taïani, Shen Lin, and Gordon Blair has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE). Preprint.
Talk Christian Grothoff (Research Group Leader at TUM, Garching) on November the 26th, 2013, Aurigny room
Sep 25th, 2013 by cbouton
NSA killed the Internet. Now We need to build a GNU one: Solutions for PKI, Messaging, Search and Computation
Starting with a motivation based on recent revelations about the current state of the cyberwar, this talk will present technical solutions towards a secure and fully decentralized future network. Specifically, this talk will introduce the GNU Name System, a decentralized public key infrastructure, the extensible PSYC2 messaging protocol for scalable social networking, and an expressive distributed search mechanism based on regular expressions. Finally, I will discuss ongoing developments on privacy-preserving multiparty computations. All of the presented work is being implemented and freely available as part of the GNUnet P2P framework.