Direction des Relations Européennes et Internationales (DREI)

Appel pour actions 2005 avec les Etats-Unis, la Scandinavie et Taiwan


Proposition Hybrid Quasi-Monte Carlo methods and applications in finance and telecommunications
soumis en


Projet INRIA : ARMOR Organisme étranger partenaire : Ball State University and Florida State University
Unité de recherche INRIA : Rennes
Thème INRIA : Com B (but project linked to Num D)
Pays : USA

Coordinateur français
Coordinateur étranger
Nom, prénom Tuffin, Bruno  Okten, Giray 
Grade/statut  CR INRIA  Associate Professor
Organisme d'appartenance
(précisez le département et/ou le laboratoire)
 ARMOR Project-team, IRISA  Department of Mathematical Sciences, Ball State University
(After August 2005: Department of Mathematics, Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306, USA)
Adresse postale Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex  Muncie IN 47306-0490, USA
Téléphone  +33 (0)2 99 84 74 94  +1 765 285-8677
Télécopie  +33 (0)2 99 84 25 29  +1 765 285-1721

La proposition en bref

Mots-clés : High-dimensional simulation, Monte Carlo, Quasi-Monte Carlo, Applications to telecommunications and finance

Thématique de la collaboration (environ 10 lignes) :

 Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is one of the most widely used numerical tools in the scientific community. A relatively recent approach, the quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) method, uses the so-called low discrepancy sequences instead of pseudorandom numbers. Its advantage is that the resulting estimates are, in general and asymptotically, more accurate than the estimates of the MC method. However, there are two major disadvantages of the QMC method which preclude its further use in scientific applications: (i) its efficiency is usually illustrated on finite and moderate dimensional problems (for a given sample size), limiting its range of applications, and (ii) although we expect QMC estimates to be more accurate, there is no practical way to assess their accuracy. To address the latter problem, hybrid-Monte Carlo methods have recently been proposed, bringing some randomness back to the deterministic algorithms of QMC, in order to establish a statistical analysis of error. The partners of this project have recently proposed a mixed method using a moderate dimension low discrepancy sequence padded with pseudorandom numbers. This tackles the first high to infinite dimensional problem, with an associated central limit theorem. Combining the two techniques allows here again to easily estimate the resulting variance. The project aims at providing a deeper theoretical analysis of the mixed method, especially when a combination with the randomization technqiues is used, and apply it to the large class telecommunication and finance problems requiring high-dimensional simulation.

Résultats attendus:

The project will allow to continue the common work initiated on the mixed method. The expected results are:

  • To reinforce the theoretical basis of the mixed method: we wish to specifically look at the variance of the estimator when putting together the hybrid and mixed techniques. Indeed, the obtained central limit theorem in the mixed method, even if proving a variance reduction with respect to MC, is still difficult to apply in practice due to the fact that it considers independent but non identically distributed random variables. With a randomization similar to the one of the hybrid technique, the variance is easily estimated, but its value changes with the choice of randomization. This should be investigated as done recently for standard hybrid techniques. Also, the speed of convergence to the asymptotic normal distribution in the central limit theorem is of particular interest to validate the coverage of the proposed confidence interval.
  • To apply the method, and its randomizations (which is called padding with randomized quasi-Monte Carlo) to high-to-infinite dimensional problems in telecommunications. Applications are expected for performance evaluation (in most cases involving the simulation of Markov chains, where the dimension is represented by the length of a trajectory, often itself random), reliability analysis (involving graphs with a large number of edges)...
  • To apply the method and its randomizations to problems in finance: QMC is often applied to the pricing of options. We aim at illustrating the degree of improvement that can be obtained with the mixed method.


    1. Présentation du partenaire étranger
    Rédigez, en quelques lignes, un bref CV du partenaire étranger.
    Giray OKTEN
    - Associate Professor of Mathematics, Florida State University, starting from September, 2005.
    - Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ball State University, 2002-present.
    - Visiting Research Scholar, Claremont Research Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Claremont Graduate University, 2000-2001.
    - Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Ball State University, 1998-2002.
    - Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1997-98.
    - Ph.D., Mathematics, September 1997, Claremont Graduate University (formerly known as The Claremont Graduate School)
    Dissertation: Contributions to the Theory of Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods. Abstract


    2. Intérêt de la collaboration entre les équipes :

    II. ACTIONS 2005

    Budget prévisionnel 2005

    1. Co-financement

    - Cette coopération bénéficie-t-elle déjà d'un soutien financier de la part de l'INRIA, de l'organisme étranger partenaire ou d'un organisme tiers (projet européen, NSF, ...) ?

      No other funding currently for this project. The visit of Bruno Tuffin to BSU in 2003 was supported by ARMOR project-team.

    - Dans le cas où votre proposition serait retenue, vous parait-il probable d'obtenir de l'organisme étranger partenaire un soutien financier ? Montant envisagé ?

    We submitted an NSF-INRIA proposal in 2003 which received the following ratings: Good, Good, and Very Good. One reviewer commented that our proposal would have been stronger if there was a joint publication. The present INRIA grant would allow us to finish a joint paper, and to obtain additional results that would be used as a basis of a new possible NSF grant application. Also, the new affiliation to FSU (starting from september 2005) may help in finding out other options.

    2. Echanges

    Préciser le nom des personnes impliquées et les dates prévisibles de leurs déplacements.


    Chercheurs confirmés   Giray Okten
    Bruno Tuffin
    Bruno Tuffin
     1 week at Rennes in July
    1 week in April at Muncie
    1 week in December at Tallahassee
     1800 euros
    1600 euros
    1600 euros
     3  5000 euros

    © INRIA - mise à jour le 11/01/2005