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More than one Media Type

Note that, in the cases where there are more than more media type (speech + video for example), we recommend that a separate NN module could be used to quantify the quality of each media. In addition, an extra NN module should be used to map all the scores measured for each media type into an overall score if needed. Note that there is not much work to do for these cases, as the subjects are asked to rate each media type as well as the overall quality of the given sequence once during the subjective quality tests. This is because, as previously mentioned, not all media types tolerate network impairments in the same way, as well as the diversity of the characteristics of both audio and video encoding algorithms.

Figure 4.1: The overall architecture of the new method to evaluate real-time speech, audio and/or video quality in real time.

Figure 4.2: A schematic diagram of our method showing the steps in the design phase.

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Samir Mohamed 2003-01-08