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Perceptual Analysis Measurement System (PAMS)
PAMS was developed by British Telecom (BT) in 1998 [112,113,114,115]. PAMS uses a model to compare the original signal with the degraded one. It parameterizes the distortions into parameters and maps them into an objective quality measure.
A parameter set, in which each parameter increases with increasing degradation, is generated. The parameter set used in PAMS has not been specified in the literature. A linear mixture of monotonic quadratic functions for the selected parameters is used for mapping to subjective quality. The quadratic functions are constrained to be increasing with their parameters.
The performance of the PAMS depends upon the designer's intuition in extracting candidate parameters. Since the parameters are usually not independent of each other, it is not easy to optimize both the parameter set and the associated mapping function, all this resulting in an extensive computation.
Samir Mohamed