Ph.D. in
Computer Science
(Teaching assistant at Université de Rennes 1) IRISA/Université de
Rennes 1 équipe
DIONYSOS - bureau F407 Campus de Beaulieu 35042 RENNES
Cedex - FRANCE tel: +33 2 99 84
72 64
2007-2008 : Part-time teaching assistant (ATER)
at IFSIC, University
of Rennes 1.
october 2004-december
2007:Ph.D. student in Computer Science at
Université of Rennes 1
within first, the ARMOR team and then the DIONYSOS at IRISA
Thesis supervisor: César
Title of the thesis: Interoperability
testing of protocol implementations : from the formalisation of
interoperability criteria to the generation of tests.
Graduated the 6th December 2007 (with honors).
2003-2004 :Master's
degree in computer science, University of Rennes 1
Master thesis: Quiescence management in interoperability
testing formalisation
Supervisor: César
2001-2004 :
Diplôme d'ingénieur en
informatique et
télécommunications (Diic, Engineer diploma in
telecommunications and computer science) at IFSIC
1999-2001 : DUT
(2-year technical diploma) in
Telecommunication and Network engineering in University of
Clermont 1.