Contents and help pages.
Iterative solvers
- bicg: BIConjugate
Gradient method
- bicgstab:
BIConjugate Gradient STABilized method
- pcg: Conjugate
Gradient method
- cgs: Conjugate
Gradient Squared method
- cheby:
CHEBYshev method
- gmres:
Generalized Minimal RESidual method
- jacobi:
JACOBI method
- qmr: Quasi
Minimal Residual method
- sor: Successive
Over-Relaxation method
Incomplete LU factorisation
- ilut: Incomplete
LU factorization with dual Truncation strategy
- ilutp:
ilut with column Pivoting
- ilud: ilu
with single dropping + Diagonal compensation ( ~milut )
- iludp:
ilud with column Pivoting
- iluk: level-k
- ilu0: simple
ilu(0) preconditioning
- milu0:
milu(0) preconditioning
Matrix Market I/O functions
- mminfo:
extracts storage information from a Matrix Market file (MM file)
- mmread:
reads contents of MM file into sparse or dense format
- mmwrite:
writes sparse or dense matrix to a MM file
Miscellaneous functions
- det: has been extended to sparse
- nnz: gives the number of non-nul
elements of a sparse matrix