Logiciel RADAU5M / Software RADAU5M

Méthodes pour les systèmes algébro-différentiels d'indice 2
Methods for differential-algebraic systems of index 2
dr_andrew: Driver
for Andrew's problem
dr_cercle: Driver
for a test problem with known exact solution
dr_pendulum: Driver
for the pendulum problem
dr_DPcontrol: Driver
for the discharge pressure control problem
decsol: Linear algebra
routines, used by DC_DECSOL
dc_decsol: Subroutines
for the decomposition and backsubstitution of linear systems
lapack: Linear algebra
routines, used by DC_LAPACK
lapackc: Linear algebra
routines for complex arithmetic, used by DC_LAPACK
dc_lapack: Subroutines
for the decomposition and backsubstitution of linear systems
radau5m.f: Main subroutine
(this is a modification of codes/RADAU5
developed by E. Hairer
and G. Wanner from
the University of Geneva)
vecteurw: Subroutine
defining the new weights for the algebraic components

Jocelyne Erhel
direct : secrétariat :

Jocelyne Erhel
Last modified: november 2001