Articles / Papers

2003 et à paraître

[abda03a] H. Abdallah.
Parallel Implementation of Uniformization to Compute the Transient Solution of Stochastic Automata Networks. Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices (PDCP) , à paraitre.
[char03a] F. Bonnans and P. chartier and H. Zidani.
Discrete approximation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a control system of a differential-algebraic system. Control and Cybernetics , à paraître.
[erhe03a] M. Brieu and J. Erhel.
On the convergence of a non-incremental homogenization method for non-linear elastic composite materials. Numerical Algorithms , à paraitre.
[erhe03b] J-R. de Dreuzy and J. Erhel.
Efficient algorithms for the determination of the connected fracture network and the solution to the steady-state flow equation in fracture networks. Computers and Geosciences , 29 , pp. 107-111, 2003.
[tado03a] C. Tadonki.
Méthodologie de Synthèse d'Ordonnancements Parallèles par Reproduction Canonique. Calculateurs parallèles, réseaux et systèmes répartis , à paraître.


[abda02a] H. Abdallah and M. Hamza.
On the Sensitivity Analysis of the Expected Accumulated Reward. Performance Evaluation , 47 , no.2-3, pp. 163-179, 2002.
[erhe02a] I. Altas and J. Erhel and M. Gupta.
High Accuracy Solution of Three-Dimensional Biharmonic Equations. Numerical Algorithms , 29 , no.1, pp. 1-19, 2002.
[char02a] R.P.K. Chan and P. Chartier and A. Murua.
Post-projected Runge-Kutta methods for index-2 differential-algebraic equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics , 42 , no.1-3, pp. 77-94, 2002.
[faou02a] E. Faou.
Elasticity on a thin shell: Formal series solution. Asymptotic Analysis , 31 , pp. 317-361, 2002.
[cano02a] S.-C. Georgescu, J.-L. Achard and E. Canot.
Jet drops ejection in bursting gas bubble processes. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 21 , pp. 265-280, 2002.
[hote02a] H. Hoteit, J. Erhel, R. Mosé, B. Philippe and P. Ackerer.
Numerical Reliability for Mixed Methods Applied to Flow Problems in Porous Media. Computational Geosciences , 6 , pp. 161-194, 2002.
[hote02b] H. Hoteit, R. Mosé, B. Philippe, P. Ackerer and J. Erhel. The maximum principle violations of the mixed-hybrid finite-element method applied to diffusion equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , 55 , 2002.
[mezh02a] D. Mezher and B. Philippe.
Parallel Computation of Pseudospectra of large matrices. Parallel Computing , 28 , no.2, pp. 199-221, 2002.
[mezh02b] D. Mezher and B. Philippe.
PAT - A Reliable Path Following Algorithm. Numerical Algorithms , 29 , no.1, pp. 131-152, 2002.


[brie01a] M. Brieu and F. Devries and J. Erhel.
Algorithme parallèle non incrémental pour la simulation de l'évolution d'endommagements en milieux hyperélastiques. Calculateurs parallèles, réseaux et systèmes répartis , 13 , no 1, pp. 83-106, 2001.
[tado01a] C. Tadonki and B. Philippe.
Parallel Multiplication of a Vector by a Kronecker Tensor Product of matrices (Part II). Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, 2 , no 4, pp. , 2001.


[char00a] R.K.P. Chan and P. Chartier.
Classification of High-Order implicit Runge-Kutta methods. New-Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 29 , 2000.
[erhe99b] J. Erhel and F. Guyomarc'h.
An Augmented Conjugate Gradient Method for solving consecutive symmetric positive definite systems. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications , 21 , no. 4, pp. 1279-1299, 2000.
[erhe00a] J. Erhel and S. Rault.
Algorithme parallèle pour le calcul d'orbites - Parallélisation à travers le temps. Technique et Science Informatiques , 19, no. 5, 2000.
[saad99a] Y. Saad, M. Yeung, J. Erhel, and F. Guyomarc'h.
A deflated version of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 21, no. 5 pp.1909-1926, 2000.
[tado99b] C. Tadonki and B. Philippe.
Parallel Multiplication of a Vector by a Kronecker Tensor Product of matrices (Part I). Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, 4, no. 2 pp. 53-67, 2000.


[brie99c] M. Brieu and F. Devries.
Micro-Mechanical approach and algorithm for the study of damage's appearance in elastomer composites. Composite Structures,16 no. 4 pp. 309-319, 1999.
[char99c] J.C. Butcher and P. Chartier and Z. Jackiewicz.
Experiments with a variable-order type 1 {DIMSIM} code. Numerical Algorithms, 22, no. 3,4 pp. 237-261, 1999.
[char99d] J.C. Butcher and P. Chartier.
The effective order of singly-implicit Runge-Kutta methods. Numerical Algorithms, 20, no. 4 pp. 269-284, 1999.
[hote99a] H. Hoteit, R. Sauleau, B. Philippe, Ph. Coquet, and J.P. Daniel.
Vector and parallel implementations for the FDTD analysis of millimeter wave planar antennas. International Journal of High Speed Computing, 10, no. 2 pp. 209-234, 1999.


[aubr98b] A. Aubry and P. Chartier.
A note on pseudo-symplectic Runge-Kutta methods. BIT, 38 no. 4 pp. 802-806, 1998.
[aubr98c] A. Aubry and P. Chartier.
On improving the convergence of Radau IIA methods when applied to index-2 DAEs. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 35 no. 4 pp. 1347-1367, 1998.
[aubr98a] A. Aubry and P. Chartier.
Pseudo-symplectic Runge-Kutta methods. BIT, 38 no. 3 pp. 439-461, 1998.
[beau98a] O. Beaumont.
Solving interval linear systems with linear programming techniques. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 281 pp. 293-309, 1998.
[brieu98e] M. Brieu and F. Devries.
Approche micro/macro de l'endommagement de milieux élastomères. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série II no. 326, 1998.
[brieu98b] M. Brieu and F. Devries.
Homogénéisation de composites élastomère. Méthode et Algorithme. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série II no. 326 pp. 379-384, 1998.
[erhe98c] M-O. Bristeau and J. Erhel.
Augmented Conjugate Gradient. Application in an iterative process for the solution of scattering problems. Numerical Algorithms, 18 pp. 71-90, 1998.
[burr98a] K. Burrage and J. Erhel.
On the performance of various adaptive preconditioned GMRES. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 5 pp. 101-121, 1998.
[erhe98a] K. Burrage, J. Erhel, B. Pohl, and A. Williams.
A deflation technique for linear systems of equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 19 no. 4 pp. 1245-1260, juillet 1998.
[char98a] P. Chartier.
On diagonally-iterated Runge-Kutta methods for dissipative ODEs. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 89 no. 1 pp. 73-85, 1998.
[char98b] P. Chartier.
The potential of parallel multi-value methods for the simulation of large real-life problems. CWI Quaterly, 11 no. 1 pp. 7-32, 1998.
[lava98a] P.-F. Lavallée and M. Sadkane.
Pseudospectra of linear matrix pencils by block diagonalization. Computing, 60 no. 2 pp. 133-156, 1998.


[butc97a] J.C. Butcher and P. Chartier.
A generalization of singly-implicit Runge-Kutta methods. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 24 pp. 343-350, 1997.
[butc97b] J.C. Butcher, P. Chartier, and Z. Jackiewicz.
Nordsieck representation of DIMSIMS. Numerical Algorithms, 16 no. 2 pp. 209-230, 1997.
[erra97a] R. Erra and B. Philippe.
On some Structured Inverse Eigenvalue Problem. Numerical Algorithms, 15 no. 1 pp. 15-35, 1997.
[heuv97c] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
Parallel computation of polynomials with minimal uniform norm and its application to large eigenproblems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 82 no. 1-2 pp. 185-198, 1997.
[heuv97d] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
Arnoldi-Faber method for large non hermitian eigenvalue problems. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 5 pp. 62-76, 1997.
[heuv97e] V. Heuveline, B. Philippe, and M. Sadkane.
Parallel Computation of Spectral Portrait of Large Matrices by Davidson type Methods. Numerical Algorithms, 16 pp. 55-75, 1997.
[maly97a] A. Malyshev and M. Sadkane.
On parabolic and elliptic spectral dichotomy. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 18 no. 2 pp. 265-278, 1997.
[phil97a] B. Philippe and M. Sadkane.
Computation of the fundamental singular subspace of a large matrix. Linear Algebra and Applications, 257 pp. 77-104, 1997.


[aubr96a] A. Aubry and P. Chartier.
On the structure of errors for Radau IA methods applied to index-2 DAEs. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 22 no. 1-3 pp. 23-34, 1996.
[carp96a] J-F. Carpraux, S.K. Godunov, and S.V. Kuznetsov.
Condition Number of the Krylov Bases and Subspaces. Linear Algebra and its Application, 248 pp. 137-160, 1996.
[burr96a] K. Burrage, A. Williams, J. Erhel, and B. Pohl.
The implementation of a Generalized Cross Validation algorithm using deflation techniques for linear systems. J. Applied Numerical Mathematics , 19 pp. 17-31, 1996.
[chan96a] R.P.K. Chan and P. Chartier.
A composition law for Runge-Kutta methods applied to index-2 differential-algebraic equations. BIT, 36 no. 2 pp. 229-246, 1996.
[choq96a] R. Choquet and J. Erhel.
Newton-GMRES algorithm applied to compressible flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 23 pp. 177-190, 1996.
[erhe96a] J. Erhel, K. Burrage, and B. Pohl.
Restarted GMRES preconditioned by deflation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 69 pp. 303-318, 1996.
[godu96b] S. K. Godunov and M. Sadkane.
Elliptic Dichotomy of a Matrix Spectrum. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 248 pp. 205-232, 1996.
[heuv96a] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
Chebyshev acceleration techniques for large complex non Hermitian eigenvalue problems. Reliable Computing, 2 pp. 111-118, 1996.
[simo96a] V. Simoncini and M. Sadkane.
Arnoldi-Riccati method for large eigenvalue problems. BIT, 36 pp. 579-594, 1996.


[ario95a] M. Arioli, I. Duff, D. Ruiz, and M. Sadkane.
Block Lanczos Techniques for accelerating the block Cimmino method. SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing , 16 no. 6, 1995.
[bris95a] M.O. Bristeau, P. Féat, J. Erhel, R. Glowinski, and J. Périaux.
Solving the Helmholtz equation at high wave numbers on a parallel computer with a shared virtual memory. The International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High Performance Computing, 9:1 pp. 18-28, 1995.
[butc95a] J.C. Butcher and P. Chartier.
Parallel general linear methods for stiff ordinary differential and differential algebraic equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 17 pp. 213-222, 1995.
[choq95b] R. Choquet, P. Leyland, and T. Tefy.
GMRES acceleration of iterative implicit finite element solvers for compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 20 : 8-9 pp. 957-968, 1995.
[erhe95b] J. Erhel.
A parallel GMRES version for general sparse matrices. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 3 pp. 160-176, 1995.
[pleu95a] J. Pleumekeers, C. Simon, and S. Mottet.
Investigations into the properties of the Explicit Method for the Resolution of the Semiconductor Device Equations. IEEE trans. on CAD-ICAS, 14 no. 4, 1995.


[carp94b] J-F. Carpraux, J. Erhel, and M. Sadkane.
Spectral portrait for non hermitian large sparse matrices. Computing, 52, 1994.
[carp94c] J.F. Carpraux and J. Erhel.
A Knowledge-Based System for some Eigenvalue Problems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, pages 315-325, 1994.
[char94a] P. Chartier.
L-Stable Parallel One-Block Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 31 no. 2 pp. 552-571, 1994.
[crou94a] M. Crouzeix, B. Philippe, and M. Sadkane.
The Davidson Method. SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 15:1 pp. 62-76, 1994.


[char93b] P. Chartier and B. Philippe.
A Parallel Shooting Technique for Solving Dissipative ODE's , Part 1: Theoretical Analysis; Part 2: Numerical Implementation. Computing, 51 no. 3-4 pp. 209-236, 1993.
[erhe93a] J. Erhel.
Experiments with Data Perturbations to Study Condition Numbers and Numerical Stability. Computing, 51 no. 1 pp. 29-44, 1993.
[phil93a] B. Philippe and B. Vital.
Parallel Implementations for Solving Generalized Eigenvalue Problems with Symmetric Sparse Matrices. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 12 pp. 391-402, 1993.
[sadk93c] M. Sadkane.
Block-Arnoldi and Davidson methods for unsymmetric large eigenvalue problems. Numer. Math., 64 pp. 195-211, 1993.
[sadk93b] M. Sadkane.
A block Arnoldi-Chebyshev method for computing the leading eigenpairs of large sparse unsymmetric matrices. Numer. Math., 64 pp. 181-193, 1993.


[erhe91a] J. Erhel, A. Traynard, and M. Vidrascu.
An Element by Element Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method implemented on a Vector Computer. Parallel Computing, 17 pp. 1051-1065, 1991.
[phil91a] B. Philippe, Y. Saad, and W. Stewart.
Numerical Methods in Markov Chain Modeling. Operation Research, 1991.

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Last modified: September 2001