Actes de conférences / Proceedings
- H. Abdallah and M. Hamza
Sensitivity analysis of the Expected Accumulated Reward using Uniformization and IRK3 methods
In second conference on Numerical Analysis and Applications,
Rousse, Bulgarie , juin 2000.
- H. Abdallah and M. Hamza
Sensitivity computation of the expected accumulated reward of stiff Markov
In International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications,
Las Vegas, USA , juin 2000.
- J-M. Cognet and Y-H. De Roeck and
G. Chavent.
The seismic inverse problem with a source identification.
In SIAM Fifth International Conference on Mathematical
and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2000)
Santiago de Compostella, Espagne , juillet 2000.
- C. Leleu and Y-H. De Roeck and
G. Chavent.
Validity range of a 3D Born+ray model for the
estimation of sea bottom and acqusition parameters in marine seismics.
In SIAM Fifth International Conference on Mathematical
and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2000),
Santiago de Compostella, Espagne ,
juillet 2000.
- C. Leleu and Y-H. De Roeck and F. Clément and G. Chavent
A 3-D Born+ray prestack depth migration for the estimation of acquisition
In SEG, Calgary, Canada
, Août 2000.
- Y-H. De Roeck
Pre-stack depth migration and sparse linear algebra
In EAGE, Glasgow, Ecosse
, Juin 2000.
- P. Chartier
Post-projected Runge-Kutta methods for index-2 Differential-Algebraic
Halle, Allemagne , septembre 2000.
- R.K.P. Chan and P. Chartier and A. Murua
Reversible methods of Runge-Kutta type for index-2 Differential-Algebraic
In National Research Symposium on Geometric Integration,
Melbourne, Australie , décembre 2000.
- E. Kamgnia and B. Philippe
Factorisation LDL^t d'une matrice symétrique d'intervalles
In Colloque Africain de Recherche en Informatique,
Antananarivo, Madagascar , octobre 2000.
- E. Kamgnia and B. Philippe
Inertia of a Symmetric Matrix of Intervals,
In SCAN 2000 / INTERVAL 2000, Karlsruhe, Allemagne,
, septembre 2000.
- I. Altas and J. Erhel and M. Gupta
Iterative solvers for solving biharmonic equations,
In Matrix Iterative Analysis and Biorthogonality, Luminy, France
, octobre 2000.
- D. Mezher and B. Philippe
Robust and parallel programs for eigenvalues localization,
In Matrix Iterative Analysis and Biorthogonality, Luminy, France
, octobre 2000.
- D. Mezher and B. Philippe
Parallel Pseudospectrum Calculations for Large Matrices
In Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Neuchatel, Suisse
, Août 2000.
- C. Tadonki
Ordonnancements canoniques
In RENPAR, Besançon, France
, Juin 2000.
- C. Tadonki
Parallel Cholesky Factorization
In Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications,
Neuchatel, Suisse , Août 2000.
- C. Tadonki and B. Philippe
Méthodologie de Conception d'Algorithmes Efficaces pour le Produit Tensoriel,
In CARI, Tananarive, Madagascar,
, Octobre 2000.
- P. Quinton and C. Tadonki and M. Tchuente
Un échéancier systolique et son utilisation dans l'ATM,
In CARI, Tananarive, Madagascar,
, Octobre 2000.
, 2000.
- [bert99c] O. Bertrand.
Counting the eigenvalues which lie in a region of the complex plane.
In ICIAM'99, Edinbourg, Ecosse, juillet 1999.
- [brie99f] M. Brieu.
Endommagement de milieux élastomères par techniques de calcul
In 32e Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique, 1999.
- [brie99e] M. Brieu and F. Devries.
In 11e journées Nationales sur les
Composites, pp. 1263-1272, 1999.
- [brie99h] M. Brieu and J. Erhel.
simulation of damage evolution in nonlinear elastic materials.
In SCICADE, Fraser Island, Australie, ao t 1999.
- [char99b] P. Chartier and E. Lapttre.
Explicit pseudo-symmetric and conjugate pseudo-symmetric RK methods.
In SCICADE, Fraser Island, Australie, ao t 1999.
- [dero99a] J-M. Cognet, Y-H. De Roeck, G. Chavent, and
H. Nouzé.
Model based depth imaging by Migration Based Travel Time.
In Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Houston, USA, novembre
- [phil99a] B. Philippe.
Computing the number of eigenvalues in a domain.
Novosibirsk, Russie, ao t 1999.
- [tado99a] C. Tadonki.
Oujda, Maroc, octobre 1999.
- [tado99c] C. Tadonki.
Equations récurrentes et algorithmes parallèles pour la multiplication d'un
vecteur par un produit tensoriel de matrices.
In Rencontres francophones du Parallélisme, des Architectures et des
Systèmes, Rennes, juin 1999.
- [beau98b] O. Beaumont.
Solving interval linear systems with oblique boxes.
In Proceedings of SCAN'98, 1998.
- [bert98b] B. Bekas, O. Bertrand, B. Philippe, and
E. Gallopoulos.
New continuation methods for the computation of the matrix peudospectrum.
In HERCMA, 1998.
- [bert98a] O. Bertrand and A. N. Malyshev.
Study of Stability of a Hydrodynamics Problem.
In HERCMA, 1998.
- [brieu98a] M. Brieu and F. Devries.
Homogénéisation de composite élastomère.
In APOLLOR, editor, Colloque Eléments Finis Polymères, 1998.
- [brieu98c] M. Brieu and F. Devries.
Homogenization of multylayered elastomer composite.
In V.E. VERINJENKO S.ADALI, E.V. MOROZOV, editor, International
Conference on Composite Science and Technology 2, pages 139-144, June
- [brieu98d] M. Brieu and F. Devries.
A microscopic-macroscopic approach for modelling elastomer composites and
In D. HUI, editor, Fifth International Conference on Composites
Engineering, pages 115-116, July 1998.
- [phil98a] Bernard Philippe and Miloud Sadkane.
Computation of the fundamental singular subspace of large matrices for
pseudospectrum determination.
In Numerical Methods and Applications, Sofia, Août 1998.
- [saad98] Y. Saad, B. Philippe, and M. Sadkane.
Variations on Krylov Projection Methods and Restarting Strategies.
In Fourth Imacs International Symposium on Iterative Methods in
Scientific Computation, 1998.
- [beau97] O. Beaumont and B. Philippe.
An iterative algorithm for interval eigenvalue problems.
In SCAN'97, Lyon, 1997.
- [erhe97e] J. Erhel and O. Gourdou.
Méthodes et outils pour les problèmes de précision numérique.
In MICAD'97, Paris, 1997.
- [erhe97f] J. Erhel, B. Philippe, and S. Rault.
Parallelization of satellite trajectory.
In third european Cray-SGI MPP workshop, Paris, 1997.
- [godu97] S.K. Godunov, M. Robbe, and M. Sadkane.
Experimental investigations of spectral problems with the use of Krylov
subspaces constructed with multigrid methods.
In International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the memory of
D.K.Faddeev, juin 1997.
- [heuv97b] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
Faber acceleration techniques for large eigenproblems.
In International Conference on Computational Methods and Function Theory
'97, octobre 1997.
- [lava97c] P.-F. Lavall\'ee and M. Sadkane.
A stable block diagonalization method : Application to the spectral portrait
of matrices and matrix pencils.
In Sixth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Novembre 1997.
- [chau96a] Stéphane Chauveau and François Bodin.
MENHIR, a Tool for High Performance Code Generation.
In Proceedings of the European Parallel Tools Meeting, Chatillon,
France, Octobre 1996.
- [erhe96b] J. Erhel, M. Hahad, and T. Priol.
'No-compile-time-knowledge' distribution of finite element calculations on
In 29th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences - minitrack
"Partitioning and Scheduling", 1996.
- [heuv96b] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
A block Arnoldi-Faber method for large complex non hermitian eigenvalue
In International Linear Algebra Society, août 1996.
- [heuv96d] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
Parallel acceleration technique for non hermitian eigenvalue problems.
In Int. congress on computational and applied mathematics, Juillet
- [heuv96c] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
Parallel computation of spectral portrait of large matrices.
In Third Int. workshop on applied parallel computing in industrial
problems and optimization (PARA96), 1996.
- [lava96a] P-F. Lavallée, A. Malyshev, and
M. Sadkane.
Spectral portrait of matrices by block diagonalisation.
In First workshop on numerical analysis and applications, Juin 1996.
- [mott96a] S. Mottet and C. Simon.
A new approach of Finite Volumes adapted to a convex polygonal mesh.
In First International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complexe
Applications, F. Benkhaldoun and R. Vilsmeier Ed., Juillet, 1996.
- [simo96b] C. Simon and S. Mottet.
Finite Volumes and mesh refinement for the simulation of semiconductor
In First International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complexe
Applications, F. Benkhaldoun and R. Vilsmeier Ed., Juillet, 1996.
<- [beau96a] Olivier Beaumont.
A Simplex-like Method for Interval Linear Systems.
In Interval'96, 1996.
- [choq95c] R. Choquet.
A Krylov preconditioner used across the time.
In Proceedings of ICFD, Oxford, 1995.
- [choq95d] R. Choquet, F. Guerinoni, and
Towards Modular CFD using the CERFACS Parallel Utilities.
In PCFD-95, Pasadena., 1995.
- [guer95b] F. Guerinoni.
Fiedler's characteristic valuation and mesh bisections.
In IMA Linear Algebra and Applications Conference, Manchester, U.K.,
- [guer95a] F. Guerinoni and T. Oppe.
Locally Implicit and Explicit methods for the Euler Equations on SIMD
In ICIAM, Hambourg, 1995.
- [erhe95a] J. Erhel, B. Philippe, N. Mallejac, and J-C.
Aquarels: a problem-solving environment for numerical quality - review of the
project and first use on realistic problems.
In ICIAM, 1995.
- [haha95b] M. Hahad, T. Priol, and J. Erhel.
Compiling Assemblage Patterns on Shared Virtual Memory Multicomputers.
In Third Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for
Scalable Computers, 1995.
- [haha95c] M. Hahad, T. Priol, and J. Erhel.
Irregular Loop Patterns Compilation on Distributed Shared Memory
In International Conference on Parallel Processing, 1995.
- [heuv95a] V. Heuveline and M. Sadkane.
Acceleration techniques for large complex non hermitian eigenvalue problems.
In SCAN-95. IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific
Computing, 1995.
- [leve95b] G. Le Vey.
Differential algebraic equations : existence of solutions and numerics.
In New Computer Technologies in Control Systems, Pereslavl-Zalessky,
Russie, 13-19 ao t, 1995.
- [leve95a] G. Le Vey, O.P. Piriila, and
J. Tuomela.
Index of Differential-algebraic equations and formal integrability.
In 3d SIAM Conf. on Control and its Applications, St Louis, MO, 27-29
Avril, 1995.
- [phil95a] B. Philippe and M. Sadkane.
Improving the spectral transformation block Arnoldi method.
In Proceedings of IMACS Symposium on Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra,
Bulgarie, 1995.
- [phil95b] B. Philippe and R. B. Sidje.
Transient Solutions of Markov Processes by Krylov Subspaces.
In W. J. Stewart, editor, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop
on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, 1995.
- [sadk95a] M. Sadkane and V. Simoncini.
Arnoldi-Riccati method for large eigenvalue problems.
In Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Manchester, 1995.
- [aubo94a] M.Aubourg, P.H. Giesbers, B. Philippe, and
M. Sadkane.
Calcul des structures de propagation microondes heterogenes et anisotropes.
In 26 eme Congres National d'Analyse Numerique - Les Karelis, 29
mai-3 juin 1994.
- [butc94a] J.C. Butcher and P. Chartier.
Parallel general linear methods for stiff ODEs and DAEs.
In IMACS International Conference, Atlanta, USA, 1994.
- [carp94d] J-F. Carpraux, S.K. Godunov, and S.V.
Stability of the Krylov Bases aand Subspaces.
In Third International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications,,
Bulgarie, 1994.
- [phil94a] B. Philippe and M. Sadkane.
Arnoldi's procedure and angles between Krylov subspaces.
In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Numerical Methods and
Applications NM\&A - O($h^3$). Sofia, Bulgaria., 1994.
- [phil94b] B. Philippe and R. B. Sidje.
Parallel Krylov Subspace Basis Computation.
In 2ème Colloque Africain sur la recherche en Informatique,
Ouagadougou, 1994.
- [pleu94a] J. Pleumekeers, C. Simon, and
S. Mottet.
An explicit method for solving the semiconductor equations.
In Conference Nasecode X, (Dublin, 21-24 Juin 1994), J.J.H. Miller Ed,
Boole Press,, 1994.
- [haha94a] M. Hahad, J. Erhel, and T. Priol.
A new approach to parallel sparse Cholesky on DMPCs.
In International Conference on Parallel Processing, USA,, Août
- [sadk94a] M. Sadkane and B. Philippe.
Improving the Reliability of a Deflated non Hermitian Generalized Eigenvalue
In Fifth SIAM conference on Applied Linear Algebra. Snowbird, Utah,
June 15-18 1994.
- [bodi93a] F. Bodin and J. Erhel.
Parallel Sparse Matrix by Vector Multiplication using a Shared Virtual Memory
In Norfolk, editor, 6th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing,, pages 421-428, 1993.
- [bris93a] M-O Bristeau, J. Erhel, R. Glowinski, and
J. Périaux.
A Time Dependent Approach to the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation at High
Wave Numbers.
In Norfolk, editor, 6th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, pages 258-261, 1993.
- [char93c] P. Chartier.
L-Stable Parallel One-Block Methods for Ordinary Differential
In Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing, pages 743-746, Norfolk, 1993.
- [choq93a] R. Choquet and P. Leyland.
Viscous Flow Computations on the connection machine by a finite element
Petrov-Galerkin scheme.
In Parallel CFD 93 Paris-France, Mai 1993.
- [choq93b] R. Choquet, P. Leyland, T. Tefy,
A. Augel.
GMRES acceleration of iterative implicit finite element solvers for
compressible Euler and Navier Stokes equations.
In FEMIF93, VII International Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids,
Barcelone, Septembre 1993.
- [erra93a] R. Erra and B. Philippe.
Characteristics Polynomials and Jacobi Matrices.
In Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference,Raleigh,
décembre 1993.
- [phil93b] B. Philippe and R. Sidje.
Transient Solutions of Markov Processes by Krylov Subspaces.
In MMSC-93, Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computation, Sozopol,
Bulgarie, 1993.
- [sadk93a] M. Sadkane and R. Sidje.
An Adaptative Minimal Residual Method for Solving Large Unsymmetric Linear
In MMSC-93, Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computation, Sozopol,
Bulgarie, 1993.
- [sadk93d] M. Sadkane.
Preconditioning techniques for computing singular subspace associated with
the smallest singular values of large matrices.
In SCAN-93. International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer
Arithmetic and Validated Numerics. Vienne, Autriche,, 1993.
- [simo93a] C. Simon, M. Sadkane, and S. Mottet.
Newton-GMRES Method for Coupled Nonlinear Systems Arising in Semiconductor
Device Simulation.
In H. Stippel S. Selberherr and Wien E. Strasser (eds.), Springer-Verlag,
editors, Simulation of Semiconductor Devices and Processes Vol. 5,,
pages 81-84, 1993.
- [char92a] P. Chartier.
Application of Bellen's method to ODEs with dissipative right-hand side.
In R. Glowinski, editor, 10th International Conference on Computing
Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Nova Science Publishers,
- [simo92a] Viallet J.E. Simon C., Mottet S.
Carmes : a 2D Semiconductor Device Simulation Environment.
In R. Glowinski, editor, 10th International Conference on Computing
Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Nova Science Publishers,
- [erhe91b] A. Traynard, J. Erhel, and
M. Vidrascu.
Evaluation of an Element by Element Preconditioner for the Conjugate Gradient
In M. Durand and F. El Dabaghi, editors, High Performance Computing
II, pages 257-268. North Holland, 1991.
- [erhe91c] J. Erhel and B. Philippe.
Design of a Toolbox to Control Arithmetic Reliability.
In International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific
Computing, Octobre 1991.
- [erhe91d] J. Erhel and B. Philippe.
Aquarels : A problem-solving environment for numerical quality.
In IMACS'91, 1991.
- [phil91b] B. Philippe and B. Vital.
Parallel implementations for solving generalized eigenvalue problems arising
from structural mechanics.
In IMACS'91, 1991.
- [simo91a] C. Simon, S. Mottet, and J.E. Viallet.
Autoadaptive Mesh Refinement.
In SISDEP, 4th International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor
Devices and Processes, Septembre 1991.
Jocelyne Erhel
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Last modified: Feb 2000