Sequence Diagrams Editor

Sequence Diagrams Editor

A Sequence Diagram (SD) shows the interactions between objects of a system. UMLAUT allows to create sequence diagrams at the specification level (with ClassifierRoles and Messages).

You can find the same facilities than in other UMLAUT views editors:

The following sections give you information on:

Create a new Sequence Diagram

Sequence Diagram Graphical Elements

With the pop-up menu on a SD view-window, you can draw the following diagram elements:

Note : Things you can't do yet:

The following example is taken out of The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual by James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch. Here is the sequence diagram realized with UMLAUT:

ClassifierRole, Message and Action editors

In the UMLAUT browser, the ClassifierRoles appear under a Collaboration. You can add new ClassifierRoles under Collaboration, with the function "New ClassifierRole" of the collaboration pop-up menu. You can edit a ClassifierRole with the "Edit" command, and complete its features thanks to an editor.

The Messages appear under an Interaction. They make a tree, the Interaction is the root node.
You can add a new Message:

You can edit and modify its features (Name, Activator, Predecessors, Successors, Sender, Receiver...) thanks to the following editor.

In particular, you can associate a new action, either with drag&drop (dropping an existing Action to the Action TextField), or clicking on the "New" button.
In this last case, the new Action is created in the browser under the top-level package, and the following Action editor opens.

Generating the SD view from an interaction

Use the "Draw as scenario" command to generate automatically the view of an interaction. It is based on a simple algorithm to draw messages following the order introduced by the activator/predecessor/successor features.