
The Polychrony toolset distribution, contains the following main components:
The SME environment, a previous front-end to the Signal Toolbox in the Eclipse environment, can be downloaded here.
The Sigali tool, an associated formal system for formal verification and controller synthesis, can be downloaded here.


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Signal Toolbox/Signal GUI distributions (V4.19, 12/2012)

Before loading the Signal Toolbox or the Signal GUI, read the Licence terms. The installing and use of the Polychrony toolset suppose the agreement to the license. You can either download binaries or source code archives for the latest stable version. For the installation, please read the installation guide.

Source distributions

Binary distributions

Platform Signal Toolbox Signal Toolbox+GUI
Linux    64bits    32bits    64bits    32bits
MacOS    64bits    64bits
Windows    64bits    32bits    64bits    32bits

The SSME environment (built on V4.19)

The SSME platform is a front-end to the Signal Toolbox in the Eclipse environment. The SSME environment is under Eclipse Public License. You can either download binaries (RCP distributions), source code archives, or use the update site. For the installation, please read the installation guide.

The SSME environment needs the presence of the Eclipse environment (Juno, Indigo,...) and of the Java Runtime.

RCP distributions

The RCP distribution contains the definition of the SSME model + the access to the Signal fonctionalities. Download the archive corresponding to your operating system.
Linux MacOs Windows
64bits    32bits 64bits 64bits    32bits

Source distributions

Download the archive SSME Sources

Update site

The URL is (select the SSME part)

Testing your environment

To test your SSME installation, you can donwnload the Examples. Under Eclipse, import them as "General->Existing Project into Workspace". Then, consult the SSME User Guide.

Using the Polychrony GUI under Eclipse

The Signal GUI has been adapted to be used under Eclipse. To use it, install it from the update site at (select the "Polychrony GUI" part), then consult the Polychrony GUI under Eclipse User Guide

AADL to Signal translator distribution (built on V4.19)

The AADL to SIGNAL translator is a plugin for the Eclipse environment. It allows to import applications written in AADL language under the Signal/SSME environment. It is under Eclipse Public License. You can either download binaries (RCP distributions), source code archives, or use the update site. For the installation, please read the installation guide.

The SSME environment needs the presence of the Eclipse environment (Juno, Indigo,...) and of the Java Runtime.

RCP distributions

The RCP distribution contains the AADL to Signal translator + the definition of the SSME model + the access to the Signal fonctionalities. Download the archive corresponding to your operating system.
Linux MacOs Windows
64bits    32bits 64bits 64bits    32bits

Source distributions

Download the archive AADL to SIGNAL translator sources

Update site

The URL is (select the AADL2SIGNAL part)

Testing your environment

To test the AADL to SIGNAL transaltor, you can donwnload the Examples. Under Eclipse, import them as "General->Existing Project into Workspace". Then, consult the AADL to SIGNAL User Guide.

Previous release (V4.18.1, 12/2011)