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Appendix D  Abstractors

The abstractors extend the syntax, especially the set of ASK-formulas, while keeping the interpretation domain unchanged. In information systems, this is mainly used to enhance the expressivity of queries, while keeping the description language unchanged. This is usually done by adding more abstract/general formulas (e.g., intervals, boolean connectives).

D.1  Top/1

Addition of a top to the syntax of a logic.

D.1.1  Parameters

the logic to which a top is to be added.

D.1.2  Syntax

AS =def ASX ⊎ {1}
ASK =def ASKX ⊎ {1}

D.1.3  Semantics

I = IX.

if =def

true if f = 1
iX f if fASX

D.1.4  Operations

fg =def

true if g = 1
XX g if f = 1 gASX
fX g if f, gASX

⊤ =def 1.

⊥ =defX.

fg =def

f if g = 1
g if f = 1
fX g if f, gASX

fg =def

{1} if f = 1 g = 1
fX g if f, gASX

D.1.5  Properties

D.2  Interval/1

The intervals over values that are formulas of another logic. This supposes the sub-logic has an ordering over its interpretations, and has its operations ≤ and ⋜ defined.

D.2.1  Parameters

a logic of values, equiped with operators ≤, and ⋜, and whose semantics is equipped with an ordering ≤.

D.2.2  Syntax

AS =def ASV × ASV
TELL =def {(d,d) ∣ dTELLV}

Formula (a,b), where a,bASV, is only well-formed when aV b or aV b (ensures the interval is not empty).

D.2.3  Semantics

I =def IV

ij =def iV j)

i ⊨ (a,b) =defiaMV(a), ibMV(b): iaV iV ib

D.2.4  Operations

(a1,b1) ⊑ (a2,b2) =def a2V a1 b1V b2

D.2.5  Properties

D.3  Bounds/1 ⊇ λ X.Sum(X,Sum({−∞},{+∞}))

Add bounds w.r.t. the ordering over formulas (as used by Interval). These bounds are added as both formulas and interpretations. This functor is defined as an extension of the combinator given in the section title ({−∞} stands for the logic functor Unit where −∞ is the only formula). This means it inherits everything from this combinator, and possibly redefines part of it.

D.3.1  Parameters

a logic of values.

D.3.2  Semantics

ij =def

i = −∞
j = +∞
i,jIX iX j

D.3.3  Operations

lower ordering:
fg =def

g = 0
f = −∞
g = +∞
f,gASX fX g

upper ordering:
fg =def

f = 0
f = −∞
g = +∞
f,gASX fX g

D.3.4  Properties

D.4  Prop/1

The boolean closure of a given logic. It can also be seen as the usual propositional logic, whose atoms are replaced by the formulas of a logic given as a parameter.

D.4.1  Parameters

a logic, whose formulas play the role of atoms in propositional logic.

D.4.2  Syntax

AS is the smallest set of formulas that contains ASA (atoms), 1 (true), 0 (false), and is closed by the application of the unary operator ¬ (negation), and the binary operators  (conjunction) and  (disjunction). ASK is the subset of propositions whose atoms are all in ASKA. TELL is the subset of propositions, whose negative atoms are all in ASKA, whose positive atoms are all in TELLAASKA, and such that every conjunctive clause contains a positive literal in TELLA. Positive atoms are those under the scope of an even number of negations; and negative atoms are those under the scope of an odd number of negations.

D.4.3  Semantics

I = IA.

ia   =def   iA a
i ⊨ 1   =def   true
i ⊨ 0   =def   false
i ⊨ ¬ f   =def   i ¬ ⊨f
if g   =def   if and ig
if g   =def   if or ig

D.4.4  Operations

fg is true iff there exists a proof of the sequent ⊢ ¬ f g in the sequent calculus of Table D.1.

In the rules, Δ is always a set of literals (i.e., atomic formulas or negations of atomic formulas), Γ is a sequence of propositions, L is a literal, X is a proposition, β is the disjunction of β1…βn, α is the conjunction of α1…αn, and L denotes the negation of L (a := ¬ a and ¬ a := a). The tautology 1 is equivalent to the empty conjunction, and the contradiction 0 is equivalent to the empty disjunction.

⊤ -Axiom: ¬ b, Δ ⊢ Γ if defA and ⊤AA b
⊥-Axiom: a, Δ ⊢ Γ if defA and aAA
⊑-Axiom: a, ¬ b, Δ ⊢ Γ if aA b
⊓ -Rule:
aA b, Δ ⊢ Γ
a, b, Δ ⊢ Γ
if def(a,b)
⊔ -Rule:
¬(aA b), Δ ⊢ Γ
¬ a, ¬ b, Δ ⊢ Γ
¬ ¬ -Rule:
Δ ⊢ X, Γ
Δ ⊢ ¬ ¬ X, Γ
, Δ ⊢ Γ
Δ ⊢ L, Γ
β -Rule:
Δ ⊢ β1, …, βn, Γ
Δ ⊢ β, Γ
           α -Rule:      
Δ ⊢ α1, Γ … Δ ⊢ αn, Γ
Δ ⊢ α, Γ

Table D.1: Sequent calculus for deduction in propositional logic.

fg =def f g.

fg =def f g.

⊤ =def 1.

⊥ =def 0.

D.4.5  Properties

Definition 9   A sequent Δ ⊢ Γ is valid iff ∩δ ∈ ΔM(δ) ⊆ ∪γ ∈ ΓM(γ).

Definition 10   The expression Trees(Δ ⊢ Γ) denotes the set of all fully developed trees whose root is the sequent Δ ⊢ Γ.

Definition 11   A fully developed tree t is said open, denoted by open(t), iff it contains an open sequent (necessary a leaf from definition of an open sequent), i.e. ∃ A, B ⊢ ∈ t: open(A,B).

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