This chapter aims to give a more concrete feeling of the use of logic
functors. So, we here adopt the point of view of the Application
Designer, which have access to a toolbox made of all the logic
functors defined in appendices, and coded in Objective Caml as
described in Chapter 3. The more relevant aspects of logic
functors for the Application Designer are: the syntax, the operations
that are defined, and the properties that are satisfied, and under
which conditions.
4.1 A Logic for Logical Information Systems
In the introduction of this document, we introduced as a motivating
example the description and querying of bibliographic references. In
this section, we progressively develop a logic for representing both
descriptions and queries. In each version, we give a definition of the
logic as a module L
, the definition of a
description descr
, and the definition of a typical
query query
As a starting point, let us consider that each reference can be
described by a set of simple attributes. These attributes can be
represented as atoms (logic functor Atom
)), and sets of
attributes can be represented by multisets of atoms (logic functor
), as multisets are more general than sets. Hence the
first definition of a logic for descriptions.
module L = Multiset Atom
descr: {TheJungleBook, paper-back, recent}
query: {recent, TheJungleBook}
Now we would like to have valued attributes in descriptions. Values
can be either strings, or integers (logic functors Sum
, Int
); and valued attributes can be built as the
product of an atom and a value (logic functor Prod
). But we
need to make the value optional in order to retain simple attributes
in descriptions (logic functor Option
module Val = Option (Sum String Int)
module L = Multiset (Prod Atom Val)
descr: {title is "The Jungle Book", paper-back, year = 1985}
query: title contains "Jungle"
query: {paper-back, year = 1985}
In the latter logic queries are limited in that one cannot express
intervals over integers, or the presence of an attribute without
specifying its type (simple, string-valued, or integer-valued). This
can be solved by applying the abstractors Interval
and Top
where appropriate in the definition of the logic.
module Val = Top (Option (Sum String (Interval Int)))
module L = Multiset (Prod Atom Val)
descr: {title is "The Jungle Book", paper-back, year = 1985}
query: title ?
query: {paper-back, year in 1980 .. 1990}
The expressivity of queries is still limited in that disjunction and
negation cannot be expressed, and conjunction only applies to
different elements of a description. In order to allow full boolean
queries, both on description elements and whole descriptions, we apply
twice the abstractor Prop
: internally and externally to
. As the syntax in functors can be parameterized (not
detailed here), we can distinguish internal connectors from external
connectors: external connectors are and, or, not, implies
, and
internal connectors are &, |, !, ->
module Val = Top (Option (Sum String (Interval Int)))
module L = Prop (Multiset (Prop (Prod Atom Val)))
descr: {title is "The Jungle Book", paper-back, year = 1985}
query: (title contains "Jungle" & ! title contains "Wood") and
(paper-back or not (year in 1970 .. 1980 | year in 1990 .. 2000))
We now have a convenient logic w.r.t. the expressivity of descriptions
and queries. Moreover it is very easy to add value types by simply
extending the definition of the sub-logic Val
with other
concrete domains. But before using this logic for information
retrieval we must ensure it satisfies the logic
properties cs_subs
and cp'_subs
. If we call the
function L.props ()
in order to compute the properties
of L
, we discover that consistency is satisfied, but that
completeness requires the property reduced'
on the sub-logic
starting at Multiset
. It happens that the logic
functor Bottom
helps to ensure this property, so we can try and
apply it on top of Multiset
module Val = Top (Option (Sum String (Interval Int)))
module L = Prop (Bottom (Multiset (Prop (Prod Atom Val))))
cs_subs requires Prod.reduced''
cp'_subs requires Prod.reduced''
Now we get that the property sg'
is required on
, and the property reduced'
is required
on Prod
. For the latter case, we can apply the same solution as
above (logic functor Bottom
). For the former case, it happens
the logic functor Single
ensures the property sg'
, so we
apply it on top of the functor Prod
module Val = Top (Option (Sum String (Interval Int)))
module L = Prop (Bottom (Single (Multiset (Prop (Bottom (Prod Atom Val))))))
cs_entails is ok
cp'_entails is ok
descr: [{title is "The Jungle Book", paper-back, year = 1985}]
query: (title contains "Jungle" & ! title contains "Wood") or
paper-back and not (year in 1970 .. 1980 | year in 1990 .. 2000)
We finally have a well-defined logic, with a consistent and
(partially) complete subsumption. Note how the user is guided in the
process of defining its logic as missing requirements are provided for
every property that is not satisfied. The syntax of descriptions is
slightly changed as the logic functor Single
requires to
square-bracket formulas occuring in descriptions.
4.2 The Reconstruction of ALC-like Description Logics
Description Logics (DL) are widely used in knowledge
representation and information systems [CLN98]. Like our
logics, they are based on a notion of subsumption ⊑, and
in fact our Initiators can be seen as an impoverished variant of DL.
So, an interesting question is to know whether logic functors can be
used to reconstruct description logics ? We show in this section that
the subsumption test of ALC (without TBox) can be nicely
reconstructed. We then generalize it as a combinator, which makes it
easy to specialize ALC to concrete domains, more expressive
roles, and Closed World Assumption.
The abstract syntax of the logic ALC is defined by:
C → A | some r C | all r C | not C | C and C | C or C | any | none,
where A, and r respectively stand for atomic concepts, and
roles. These are properly represented by atoms (logic functor
Atom). In the semantics of ALC a
formula all r C is equivalent to the
formula not some r not C, so that we can restrict ourselves to existential
quantification. When some object satisfies a formula some r C, this means it is related to another object
satisfying C, through a relation satisfying r. So the
property some r C can be represented as the
product (r,C) of a role, and a complex concept (logic functor Prod): its concrete syntax can easily be customized as
(some r C) for readability1. All other connectors of
the language are provided by the logic functor Prop. This
leads to the following first attempt of defining the logic
ALC with logic functors.
module rec ALC : T = Prop (Sum Atom (Prod Atom ALC))
cs_subs is ok
cp_subs requires Prod.reduced Atom.reduced
The Composer produces a new logic ALC
from its defining
expression. Note the way it is recursively defined in order to account
for complex concepts inside quantifiers. The Composer also performs
its type-checking, whose result says the subsumption is proved
consistent, but not complete because the property reduced
could not be proved on the sub-logics built by the functors Prod, and Atom (both arguments of the functor Sum).
The above definition is correct about the syntax, but what about the
interpretation domain ? According to the definition of functors (see
Appendices), it is recursively defined as
I = Atom ⊎ (Atom × I),
i.e., either a primitive concept (an atom), or a pair made of a
primitive role (an atom), and another interpretation. This is not
satisfactory because an ALC-interpretation should not be a
single atomic concept or single role, but should be a set of atomic
concepts and roles. This adaptation to the interpretation domain can
be obtained by the logic functor Set, whose side effect is to
reduced the need for the property reduced to the weaker
property reduced.right.
module rec ALC : T = Prop (Set (Sum Atom (Prod Atom ALC)))
cs_subs is ok
cp_subs is ok
descr: tall and
(some child male) and
not (some child not tall)
query: (some child male and tall) and
not (some child not (male implies tall))
This time the interpretation domain is I = P(Atom ⊎
(Atom × I)), and the resulting subsumption prover is
proved both consistent and complete by the Composer. In the
formulas, the keyword some represents the existential
quantifier. The example description d tells someone is tall, has a
male child, and has only tall children. The example query q asks
whether somebody has a tall male child, and whose male children are
all tall. It can be proved in ALC that the description is
subsumed by the query: d ⊑ALC q.
We have showed our logic ALC
has the same syntax as
ALC, a satisfactory semantics, and proved properties w.r.t. the
subsumption prover. However it remains to show whether it is
semantically equivalent to the description logic ALC ? In
description logics, the semantics of the subsumption relation f
⊑ g is that, for all interpretation I =
(Δ I,. I), we have f I ⊆ g
I, where f I denotes the set of instances of f among
the individual domain Δ I. This inclusion can be
successively rewritten as
∀ I: ∀ i ∈ Δ I: i ∈ f I ⇒ i ∈ g I, |
∀ i' = ( I,i): i' ⊨ f ⇒ i' ⊨ g, |
M'(f) ⊆ M'(g) where M'(f) = {( I,i) ∣ i ∈ f I}. |
The last proposition is similar to our semantics of subsumption, as
defined by the properties cs⊑, and cp⊑, except it applies on a different domain of
interpretations I' = {( I,i) ∣ i ∈ Δ I}.
This implies that if we can find a pair of maps ϕ: I' →
I, and ϕ': I → I' that preserve the satisfaction
relation ⊨ between interpretations and formulas, then the two
interpretations can be said equivalent, and ALC
to ALC for the subsumption test.
Definition 7
Let I = P(Atom ⊎ (Atom × I)) be the
interpretation domain of ALC, and let I' = {( I,i)
∣ i ∈ Δ I} be the interpretation domain of
ALC w.r.t. subsumption. A first map from I' to I is defined by
ϕ(( I,i)) |
= |
{A ∈ Atom ∣ i ∈ A I} |
∪ |
{(r,j) ∈ Atom × I ∣ ∃ i' ∈ Δ I: (i,i') ∈ r I j = ϕ(( I,i'))}. |
A second map from I to I' is defined by
ϕ'(i) |
= |
( I(i),i) |
s.t. |
Δ I(i) = {i} ∪ ∪{Δ I(j) ∣ (r,j) ∈ i} |
A I(i) = {j ∈ Δ I(i) ∣ A ∈ j}, for all A ∈ Atom |
r I(i) = {(j,k) ∈ Δ I(i) × Δ I(i) ∣ (r,k) ∈ j}, for all r ∈ Atom. |
The idea behind these maps is that I-interpretations are trees,
where nodes are labelled by sets of atomic concepts, and edges are
labelled by roles. I-interpretations can be arbitrary graphs
instead of trees but, in the subsumption test, only one
individual i0 is considered at a time, only individuals accessible
from i0 are taken into account, and there is no way in ALC
to say that 2 roles point to the same individual. Hence
I'-interpretations can also be seen as trees, and we obtain the
following theorem.
Theorem 8
For every formula in ASALC = AS ALC, we verify
i ⊨ f ϕ'(i) ⊨ f, for all i ∈ I |
i' ⊨ f ϕ(i') ⊨ f, for all i' ∈ I' |
The proof is obtained by induction on the structure of formulas, and
the interesting cases are the atomic and existentially quantified
Variations on the logic ALC
A major advantage of logic functors is that, starting from a composed
logic, it is easy to adapt or extend it as it only requires changing
the definition of the logic, and type-checking the result. This is in
contrast with the usual approach where most often such an extension
requires a full paper for presenting the new syntax, semantics,
subsumption algorithm, and correctness proofs. We present in the
following 3 extensions of the logic ALC
: (1) concrete domains
in addition to atoms, (2) complex roles (negation, conjunction, and
disjunction in roles), and (3) application of the Closed World
Assumption on descriptions. All these extensions are defined in one
line, and require no proof from the user as they are performed
automatically by the Composer.
In order to factorize these extensions, we define a combinator that
define once for all the general structure of the logic ALC.
module GenALC (A : T) (R : T) (Rec : T) : T = Prop (Set (Sum A (Prod R Rec)))
module rec ALC : T = GenALC Atom Atom ALC
Unfortunately, in OCaml, recursivity cannot be used when defining a
functor, but only when defining a module. This is why the additional
argument Rec
appears in the definition of GenALC
. Then,
when defining a logic, this argument is simply replaced by the name of
the logic being defined.
4.2.1 Concrete Domains
In many applications, it can be useful to have concrete domains, such
as integers or strings, in addition to the abstract atoms [HS01].
module rec ALC1 : T = GenALC (Sum Atom (Sum String Int)) Atom ALC1
cs_subs is ok
cp_subs is ok
descr: tall and
(some name is "Peter") and
(some age 39) and
(some child (some name is "Arthur") and (some age 16))
query: (some name contains "Peter" or contains "Paul") and
(some child (some age 20) or (some name any))
, atomic concepts can now be strings, substrings, and
integers in addition to classic atoms. The subsumption operation of
this logic is automatically proved consistent and complete by the
composer. The description d tells somebody is tall, has a name
“Peter”, is aged 39, and has a child, who has a name “Arthur”, and
is aged 16. The query q asks for people whose name contains
“Peter” or “Paul”, and who has a child, who has a name or whose
age is 20. It can be proved that d ⊑ALC1 q.
4.2.2 Complex Roles
In previous logics, boolean operations only apply on concepts, not on
roles. However papers in the litterature consider the use of
negation, conjunction, and disjunction on roles [LS00]. The
conjunction enables us to tell that 2 objects are related by 2 kinds
of relations (e.g., friend and cousin). The disjunction helps to
express undetermined or general relation (e.g., like in “father or
mother is a doctor”). The negation solves the problem of expressing
axioms like “Mary likes all cats” [LS00], which can be
represented by all (not likes) not cat, and is opposite to all likes cat (“Mary likes only cats”).
module rec ALC2 : T = GenALC (Sum Atom (Sum String Int)) (Prop (Set Atom)) ALC2
cs_subs is ok
cp_subs is ok
descr: (some (cousin and friend) doctor and (some name is "Jack")) and
not (some (not likes) cat) and
(some has cat)
query: (some (likes or friend) doctor) and
(some likes cat)
(which extends ALC1
), roles can now be arbitrary
boolean combinations of atoms. The subsumption operation of this logic
is automatically proved consistent and complete by the composer. The
description d tells somebody has some cousin and friend, who is a
doctor and has name “Jack”, likes all cats, and has some cat. The
query q asks for people, who likes a doctor, or has a doctor as a
friend, and who likes a cat. It can be proved that d ⊑ALC2 q.
4.2.3 Closed World Assumption
Let us consider the following description and queries in the above logic ALC1
descr: (some name is "Peter") and not female
query: not female
query: not (some name is "Arthur")
The description is subsumed by the first query, but not by the second.
This is annoying because in information systems, we like the ability
to retrieve all objects not satisfying some property. Here, we get a
answer to a negative query, only when this negation is explicitly
stated in the description. This is known as the “Open World
Assumption”, as opposed to the “Closed World Assumption”, which is
usually desired in information systems. Under the latter setting,
everything not said in the description is considered as false. This is
usually realised through non-monotonic reasoning, which has already
been introduced in description logics [DNR97]
In fact, it is possible to combine explicit and implicit negation in
the same monotonic logic by using the epistemic logic AIK [Lev90]. The principle is to bracket descriptions with
a modality meaning “All I know”, and query atoms with a modality
meaning “I know”. We have generalized this principle as the epistemic extension, which can then be applied on various
logics [Fer06]. This epistemic extension is realized through
the logic functor Single, whose neat result is to enforce the
property sg' (hence its name).
So, we first apply the functor Single on the logic ALC1. Then, as we need negation both inside and outside the scope
of modalities, we apply again the functor Prop on the result.
Finally we insert the logic functor Bottom in order to get the
right properties on the subsumption operation.
module rec ALC3 : T = Prop (Bottom (Single ALC1))
cs_subs is ok
cp'_subs is ok
descr: [(some name is "Peter") and not female]
query: !(not female)
query: not !(some name is "Arthur")
Note we loose the full completeness of subsumption, but we still have
completeness for subsumption between TELL-formulas and ASK-formulas, which is what counts in information systems. The
square brackets denote the modality “All I know”, and the
exclamation mark denotes the modality “I know”. The first query can
be read “I know he is not a female”, and second can be read “I do
not know he has name Arthur”. Both queries now subsume the
description, which solves our problem. If we further assume we have a
complete knowledge, i.e. everything I do not know is false, then the
external negation can be read as usual negation, and the internal
negation can be read as opposition. Then the first query reads
“he is male (the opposite of female)”, and the second query reads
“he has not name Arthur”.
- 1
- Every logic
functor comes with a parser and a printer for the concrete syntax,
which can easily be customized. Syntactic sugar for the
quantifier all can also be obtained.