Team LIS
Quick Start
We here assume that you have successfully installed Camelis.
When you launch it, the following window should appear.
The interface is made of a range of menus, and a range of
buttons for most common commands at the top.
On the left is the query line, and under it the navigation window.
On the right is the object list window.
The use of these elements will be made clear in the following.
A first thing we can do is to import data from existing
This is done through the command Import
file... from the File
This opens a dialog in which a file or a directory, as well
as a few options, can
be selected.
Here a directory containing music albums is selected.
According to selected options, every MP3 file under the selected
directory is going to be imported in
Camelis. During import the number on the right of the 'Update' button
indicates how many operations are yet to be performed.
After some time that depends on the amount of data to be
imported (here, a minute or two), the list of objects (here MP3 songs)
displayed on the right, and folders are displayed on the left along
with the number of objects they contain. Note these folders have been
automatically computed from the song tags. Note also that songs
usually belong to several folders, which are better understood as views
Each folder/view can be expanded in order to get more detailed
information about objects.
For example, we here discover there are 377 rock songs, and
313 celtic songs.
By double-clicking on a selected genre (here Rock), the query is
refined from all to genre is "Rock".
This is automatically reflected by a change in both
navigation and object windows.
The number of selected objects is now 377, as expected, and other
have disappeared as they are no more relevant to the current selection.
Expanding the view artist let
us discover various rock artists. We select 2 of them, Queen and Dire
By right-clicking on a folder more ways to change
the current query appear. The first choice, ... and <selection>,
is equivalent to double-clicking, except it can then be applied on a
multiple selection. It has the effect of selecting, among rock songs,
all songs belonging to the selected artists. This can be verified in
the query area.
The albums from the two selected artists have been expanded, and we may
choose to exclude the last album as it contains only one song.
By selecting the second choice, ... except
<selection>, songs from the last album are excluded.
This is reflected in the query below.
Now we have selected a set of songs, we may want to listen
them as a playlist.
The above screenshot shows in the object window a contextual menu that
contains possible commands.
When selecting the second command, the playlist file is automatically
created from the current selection of objects (by default, all objects
selected by the query), and the player XMMS is started on this list.
Only a small part of Camelis capabilities have been
presented in this Quick Start.
It is also possible to define taxonomies, update objects by adding to
them properties, define automatic update rules, etc.
Camelis can be applied to all sorts of data. For example, the GLis
application given in the distribution, can also handle pictures, BibTeX
files, Mozilla bookmarks and emails.
For a complete description of Camelis functionalities, please see the
User's Manual on the documentation