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1  Introduction

The original idea of Logical Information Systems (LIS) comes from Olivier Ridoux, who was unsatisfied by hierarchical file systems in particular, and hierarchical data organizations in general. He was not satisfied either by databases because they lack flexibility in the description of objects, integration with the operating system and other applications, and navigation capability to help non-expert users. His basic idea was to combine the expressivity of querying, by the use of logics, and the practicality of navigation as a way to suggest query increments.

When in 1999 I looked for a research subject for my master thesis, I was immediately convinced by these ideas, and eager to work on them. I was lucky to do my PhD on Logical Information Systems under supervision of Olivier Ridoux, and defended it in October 2002 [Fer02, FR04]. Its main result is to found LIS on logics and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) [Wil82, GW99]. In parallel to theoretical works I have developped a LIS prototype, Camelis, that implements most of the ideas of my PhD thesis (and more), and is now mature enough, I think, to be distributed. However it is still a continuously evolving research prototype, and the main reason for distributing it, beside its possible usefulness, is to get some feedback about LIS. This document is about the 4th public version of Camelis, whose interface has a lot of improvements.

A file system track has been started by Yoann Padioleau, who defended his PhD in February 2005. The main result is LISFS (a.k.a. LFS), a LIS implementation as a file system plus the ability to navigate into parts of files [PR03, Pad05]. This makes LIS benefits to existing applications without modification. Camelis and Lisfs are not in concurrency as they stand at different levels of use. On the contrary it is intended that the two tracks converge and finally fuse at some horizon. Besides, there exist two other implementations of LIS: Geolis applies to geographical data and has a web interface [BFRQ08], and Odalisque applies to OWL-DL ontologies [AF08].

The aim of this manual is firstly to explain the main concepts of LIS, and secondly to document the various displays and commands of Camelis. The central concept is the context, which comes from the theory of FCA. In short a context is the combination of a logic, a set of objects, and a mapping from objects to logical formulas. Section 2 and Section 3 respectively explain what is a logic, and what is an object. Further sections present operations that can be performed on a context, and how they are achieved through the Camelis interface: these operations are browsing, importing and exporting data, updating, and acting on objects. Section 8 shows how persistency is achieved from one session to another.

Camelis is a very generic system in that the logic and the type of imported/exported data can be changed at will. Section 9 presents a general purpose instance of Camelis (called a Camelis application) that can handle all sorts of files, and especially JPEG pictures, MP3 music files, BibTeX bibliography files, etc.

For more information about LIS, there is a web page at http://www.irisa.fr/LIS that contains links to people, papers, talks, and software.

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