Publications of year 2002
  1. Sébastien Ferré. Systèmes d'information logiques : un paradigme logico-contextuel pour interroger, naviguer et apprendre. Thèse d'université, Université de Rennes 1, October 2002. Note: Accessible en ligne à l'adresse[WWW] Keyword(s): système d'information, treillis (théorie des), analyse de concepts, logique, recherche de l'information, navigateurs (logiciels), apprentissage automatique.
    Les deux principaux paradigmes de recherche d'information, la navigation et l'interrogation, sont souvent dissociés. Les systèmes hiérarchiques offrent une structure de navigation figée qui ne convient pas à toutes les utilisations ; ce qu'ils compensent par des outils de recherche. Ceux-ci, fondés sur l'interrogation, sont plus souples mais sont plus difficiles à utiliser pour les non-initiés et rendent délicat le contrôle du volume des réponses. Il apparaît donc comme nécessaire de combiner étroitement navigation et interrogation. Pour réaliser cette combinaison, nous nous fondons sur l'Analyse de concepts (AC) qui permet de construire automatiquement, à partir d'une description des objets, une structure de navigation appelée «treillis de concepts», où les concepts jouent à la fois le rôle de répertoire et de requête. Comme dans l'AC les descriptions se limitent à des ensembles d'attributs, nous avons généralisé l'AC pour les remplacer par des formules d'une logique arbitraire. Ceci nous semble important pour traiter des applications diverses. Les Systèmes d'information logiques (SIL) se définissent donc par la combinaison navigation/interrogation, l'emploi de la logique (descriptions, requêtes et liens de navigation) et la généricité. Sur cette base, nous avons développé plusieurs mécanismes pour faciliter l'expression et la découverte de connaissances. Les connaissances d'un domaine peut être exprimées par une terminologie. Un dialogue homme-machine, fondé sur le treillis de concepts, permet de retrouver des objets (navigation) et de découvrir des régularités entre les objets (extraction de connaissances). Un mécanisme d'apprentissage offre une assistance à la classification des objets. Enfin, un prototype a été développé pour d'expérimenter ces mécanismes. Il est générique dans le sens où il ne dépend pas de la logique employée. Ces logiques peuvent être assemblés à l'aide d'un jeu de composants logique, que nous avons constitué.

    type = {Thèse d'université},
    author = {Sébastien Ferré},
    title = {Systèmes d'information logiques~: un paradigme logico-contextuel pour interroger, naviguer et apprendre},
    school = {Université de Rennes~1},
    year = {2002},
    month = oct,
    url = {},
    note = {Accessible en ligne à l'adresse},
    keywords = {système d'information, treillis (théorie des), analyse de concepts, logique, recherche de l'information, navigateurs (logiciels), apprentissage automatique},
    abstract = {Les deux principaux paradigmes de recherche d'information, la navigation et l'interrogation, sont souvent dissociés. Les systèmes hiérarchiques offrent une structure de navigation figée qui ne convient pas à toutes les utilisations ; ce qu'ils compensent par des outils de recherche. Ceux-ci, fondés sur l'interrogation, sont plus souples mais sont plus difficiles à utiliser pour les non-initiés et rendent délicat le contrôle du volume des réponses. Il apparaît donc comme nécessaire de combiner étroitement navigation et interrogation. Pour réaliser cette combinaison, nous nous fondons sur l'Analyse de concepts (AC) qui permet de construire automatiquement, à partir d'une description des objets, une structure de navigation appelée «treillis de concepts», où les concepts jouent à la fois le rôle de répertoire et de requête. Comme dans l'AC les descriptions se limitent à des ensembles d'attributs, nous avons généralisé l'AC pour les remplacer par des formules d'une logique arbitraire. Ceci nous semble important pour traiter des applications diverses. Les Systèmes d'information logiques (SIL) se définissent donc par la combinaison navigation/interrogation, l'emploi de la logique (descriptions, requêtes et liens de navigation) et la généricité. Sur cette base, nous avons développé plusieurs mécanismes pour faciliter l'expression et la découverte de connaissances. Les connaissances d'un domaine peut être exprimées par une terminologie. Un dialogue homme-machine, fondé sur le treillis de concepts, permet de retrouver des objets (navigation) et de découvrir des régularités entre les objets (extraction de connaissances). Un mécanisme d'apprentissage offre une assistance à la classification des objets. Enfin, un prototype a été développé pour d'expérimenter ces mécanismes. Il est générique dans le sens où il ne dépend pas de la logique employée. Ces logiques peuvent être assemblés à l'aide d'un jeu de composants logique, que nous avons constitué.},

Conference articles
  1. Soazig Bars, Sébastien Ferré, and Olivier Ridoux. Logic Functors for Types as Search Keys. In Int. Workshop on Isomorphisms of Types, 2002. [WWW]
    author = {Soazig Bars and Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux},
    title = {Logic Functors for Types as Search Keys},
    booktitle = {Int. Workshop on Isomorphisms of Types},
    year = {2002},
    url = {},

  2. Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. The Use of Associative Concepts in the Incremental Building of a Logical Context. In G. Angelova U. Priss, D. Corbett, editor, Int. Conf. Conceptual Structures, LNCS 2393, pages 299-313, 2002. Springer. Keyword(s): concept analysis, logic, information systems, learning, classification, context.
    A formal context associates to objects a description that combines automatically extracted properties (intrinsic) and manually assigned ones (extrinsic). The extrinsic properties are expressed by users according to intentions that are often subjective and changing, and determine the classification and retrieval of objects. So, we find it important to assist users in this task through the automatic suggestion of extrinsic properties to be assigned and even the discovery of rules to automate these assignements. The principle is to learn from the description of existing objects the extrinsic description of a new object. Because of the changing nature of users' intentions, the assistance given in the incremental building of a logical context must be interactive. We present formal principles, and an application to the classification of email messages.

    author = {Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux},
    title = {The Use of Associative Concepts in the Incremental Building of a Logical Context},
    booktitle = {Int. Conf. Conceptual Structures},
    pages = "299--313",
    year = {2002},
    editor = "U. Priss, D. Corbett, G. Angelova",
    series = "LNCS 2393",
    publisher = "Springer",
    langue = "anglais",
    keywords = {concept analysis, logic, information systems, learning, classification, context},
    abstract = "A formal context associates to objects a description that combines automatically extracted properties (intrinsic) and manually assigned ones (extrinsic). The extrinsic properties are expressed by users according to intentions that are often subjective and changing, and determine the classification and retrieval of objects. So, we find it important to assist users in this task through the automatic suggestion of extrinsic properties to be assigned and even the discovery of rules to automate these assignements. The principle is to learn from the description of existing objects the extrinsic description of a new object. Because of the changing nature of users' intentions, the assistance given in the incremental building of a logical context must be interactive. We present formal principles, and an application to the classification of email messages. ",

Internal reports
  1. Sébastien Ferré. Incremental Concept Formation made More Efficient by the Use of Associative Concepts. Research Report RR-4569, Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, October 2002. [WWW] Keyword(s): context, concept lattice, Galois lattice, incremental algorithm, complexity.
    Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is interested in the formation of concept lattices from binary relations between objects and attributes, a.k.a. contexts. Many algorithms have been proposed to generate the set of all concepts, and also the edges of the lattice between these concepts. We develop the principle and the code of a new algorithm combining two existing ones, Godin's and Bordat's algorithms. Then, we show by both a theoretical and practical study that it is the most efficient algorithm for sparse contexts, which are usually found in real applications.

    pages = "13 p.",
    type = "Research Report",
    number = "RR-4569",
    institution = "Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique",
    title = "Incremental Concept Formation made More Efficient by the Use of Associative Concepts",
    author = "Sébastien Ferré",
    year = "2002",
    month = oct,
    url = "",
    keywords = {context, concept lattice, Galois lattice, incremental algorithm, complexity},
    abstract = {Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is interested in the formation of concept lattices from binary relations between objects and attributes, a.k.a. contexts. Many algorithms have been proposed to generate the set of all concepts, and also the edges of the lattice between these concepts. We develop the principle and the code of a new algorithm combining two existing ones, Godin's and Bordat's algorithms. Then, we show by both a theoretical and practical study that it is the most efficient algorithm for sparse contexts, which are usually found in real applications.},

  2. Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. Introduction to Logical Information Systems. Research Report RR-4540, Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, September 2002. [WWW] Keyword(s): information system, information search and retrieval, query formulation, representation languages, deduction and theorem proving.
    Logical Information Systems (LIS) use logic in a uniform way to describe their contents, to query it, to navigate through it, to analyze it, and to maintain it. They can be given an abstract specification that does not depend on the choice of a particular logic, and concrete instances can be obtained by instantiating this specification with a particular logic. In fact, a logic plays in a LIS the role of a schema in data-bases. We present the principles of logical information systems, the constraints they impose on the expression of logics, and hints for their effective implementation.

    pages = "25 p.",
    type = "Research Report",
    number = "RR-4540",
    institution = "Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique",
    title = "Introduction to Logical Information Systems",
    author = "Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux",
    year = "2002",
    month = sep,
    url = "",
    keywords = {information system, information search and retrieval, query formulation, representation languages, deduction and theorem proving},
    abstract = {Logical Information Systems (LIS) use logic in a uniform way to describe their contents, to query it, to navigate through it, to analyze it, and to maintain it. They can be given an abstract specification that does not depend on the choice of a particular logic, and concrete instances can be obtained by instantiating this specification with a particular logic. In fact, a logic plays in a LIS the role of a schema in data-bases. We present the principles of logical information systems, the constraints they impose on the expression of logics, and hints for their effective implementation.},

  3. Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux. Logic Functors : a Framework for Developing Embeddable Customized Logics. Technical report RR-4457, Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, May 2002. [WWW] Keyword(s): applied logic, software component.
    Logic-based applications often use customized logics which are composed of several logics. These customized logics are also often embedded as a black-box in an application. So, implementing them requires the specification of a well-defined interface with common operations such as a parser, a printer, and a theorem prover. In order to be able to compose these logic, one must also define composition laws, and prove their properties. We present the principles of logic functors and their compositions for constructing logics that are ad-hoc, but sound. An important issue is how the operations of different sublogics inter-operate. We propose a formalization of the logic functors, their semantics, implementations, proof-theoretic properties, and their composition.

    pages = "32 p.",
    number = "RR-4457",
    institution = "Inria, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique",
    title = "Logic Functors : a Framework for Developing Embeddable Customized Logics",
    author = "Sébastien Ferré and Olivier Ridoux",
    year = "2002",
    month = may,
    url = "",
    keywords = {applied logic, software component},
    abstract = {Logic-based applications often use customized logics which are composed of several logics. These customized logics are also often embedded as a black-box in an application. So, implementing them requires the specification of a well-defined interface with common operations such as a parser, a printer, and a theorem prover. In order to be able to compose these logic, one must also define composition laws, and prove their properties. We present the principles of logic functors and their compositions for constructing logics that are ad-hoc, but sound. An important issue is how the operations of different sublogics inter-operate. We propose a formalization of the logic functors, their semantics, implementations, proof-theoretic properties, and their composition. },



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Last modified: Wed Feb 8 19:16:22 2023
Author: ferre.

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