Training time... Feel free to register, play and
send your comments .
News :
- Omphalos, the server of the ICGI'04 competition on
context-free grammars is available !
- The Learning
DFA from noisy samples contest inspired by Gowachin has been set
for GECCO 2004
closing date for this contest is Friday May 28th 2004). This contest
focuses on a fairly small DFA (nominal 50 states), but with a high
level of label noise (10%), and a moderate training sample size
(5,000). The programs in this contest will have to run on the same
machine within the same time constraints: 10 minutes CPU time (on a
2.4ghz Pentium 4 running Windows or Linux) !
Quick start guide
- Register. As an e-mail with a temporary password will be
to you, a valid e-mail address is required.
- Change your password
- Get a new problem
- When you think that you have solved a problem, List problems
allows you to submit your labeling to the Oracle.
- Smile, you are maybe in the Hall of Fame. The Gowachin
will show you what are the new areas of science to explore...
Quick introduction
After Abbadingo One, here
is coming
the Abbadingo Once benchmark: Gowachin. It is based on same principles
The problems are now generated on demand. You can choose your own
such as the expected DFA size and the number of sample strings. And two
parameters allowing noise on the samples have been added. Please note
the DFA's depth is no more constrained to be exactly (2 log2
rounded to the nearest integer.
The Oracle becomes lazy, he accepts to answer to a given problem
only once.
The problem will be "killed" after a request. But, on the other hand,
Oracle will return a score for the proposed labeling.
Comments are welcome
Gowachin is being organized and administered by Kevin J. Lang, Barak A. Pearlmutterand François